Vice’s Devices at House of Pain

January 26, 2022

WHEN: 01/26/2022
QIC: Vice
PAX: Llama llama, Grandpa Ninja, Ivermectin, Assisi

With a new year and the holiday season behind us, Santa gave to me a few new F3 toys to share with the boys. The them of the workout is a countdown in a  ladder style while rotating through the different stations.

Warmarama- SSH, Forward and Reverse Arm Circles, WMH, Michael Phelps

The THANG- 15 stations with a tabata timer

Station 1- balance board- working on stability

Station 2 – overhead pass with the ball. Take the light weight ball and pass it back and forth until the timer says time to switch.

Station 3- farmers carry- grab the two sand bags and walk down and back

Station 4- new toy- gorilla bow, use the handle of the bow as a base and then chest press

Station 5 – Deadlift- sandbag of 100lbs pickup and repeat

Station 6- Bowling ball apollo ohnos- hold the bowling ball like you are about go bowling and then do a step back lunge with each leg but don’t let the ball drop… keep that up and isolated

Station 7- punching canonballs and keep them moving so they don’t explode in your hand

Station 8- bands for back muscle extensions

Station 9- sandbag powerups- situp and then chest press and overhead reach with the sandbag till the timer goes off

Station 10- bicep curls with bands

Station 11- mace- curl up to press- another new toy

Station 12- leg extensions inside circular band

Station 13- Weighted ball toss, take a 15 pound ball and toss high in the air and repeat until the timer goes off

Station 14- Bulgarian split squats with kettlebells

Station 15- 100 pound sand deadlift

In between each station we did a burpee and a 20 yard down and back AYG.

Between the two circuits, we did three sets of calf raises with different foot positions.

We finished off the workout with star crunch/X factors. 15 each leg. 15- IC dying cockroaches.

COT: Please remember Grandpa Ninjas 2.0 that is in the hospital. Assisi and his family have some potential difficult decisions regarding job and locations so please keep them in mind in the future.  Sign up to q, lots of q sheets are open and let me know if you want a co-q. Thanks to all for showing up.