Upper and Lower Co-Q

August 7, 2018

WHEN: 08/01/2018
QIC: pusher and Nubbin
PAX: Nickelback, Cortes, Muzungu, Fancy Pirate, Milton, pusher (co-Q) and Nubbin (YHC and co-Q)

With our AO leader out on IR, pusher and YHC thought it wise to step up and co-Q this morning’s workout. (Point of clarity: it’s always wise to co-Q an F3 exercise; all the fun but half the planning!)


Our resident pusher led the first half of the workout, focusing on warm up and upper body exercises that we’ll be recovering from all week, and YHC stepped in in the second half to round out the exercises with some lower body work and Mary.


Here is the much belated BB:



SSH x 40 ic
Seal clap x 10 ic
LBAC x 10 ic, reverse and repeat
Overhead clap x 10 ic
WMH x 10 ic


Pusher scoured the exicon for upper body routines. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to everything written on his weinke.


The Thang

The PAX began the morning with some Ascending testicles, whereby the PAX lined up along the wall, got into plank position with feet on the wall and proceeded to do 10 merkins. then we moved our feet up the wall till our planked bodies were at 45 degrees and proceeded to do another 10 merkins. Finally, we moved our feet further up the wall till we held “balls to the wall” and did a 10 count down the line.


After peeling our broken bodies off of the ground and allowing the blood to flow form our heads back to the rest of our bodies, we lined up single file for Ricky bear crawl (Indian bear crawl in exicon).


Next we paired off and performed Vacuum cleaners (like a partner wheel barrel with merkins thrown in), modified to WMD merkins at each parking line.

To round things up for the upper body work, we Ricky Bobby to front of school and preformed two rounds of 1 cadence count Dips.


Mercifully, pusher’s Q was over at this point and h handed the wheel over to YHC.


For lower body work we focused on a number of different types of jumping/jacks exercises, that YHC has recently found work really well to make his legs want to fall off. These included: skier abs, monkey jacks, squat jacks, lunge twists, and lateral jumps. The PAX paired off and while one partner ran around the parking lot (while always facing their partner to allow for some PAX-bonding as well as some additional backward run and side shuffles) the other performed one of these exercises until their partner returned. Then the partners flap-jacked.


The PAX then highknee Ricky Bobby our way back to the flag for Mary.





Plank of fire/10 merkins around the circle; plank holds included: regular, bows & toes, right side low plank, left side low plank, right star plank, left star plank.

Boat Canoe (courtesy of Muzungu)