Warm Up
SSH, imperial squat walker, inchworm merkins, 10 burpees OYO
Yada Yada
Each pax chose a stair to climb taking 10 trips up and down completing a corresponding number of burpees on each return to the field. That’s 55 burpees.
Lined up on the goal line. OYO, stay in your lane. Up & down the ladder.
- Run 10yds, 10 HR burpees
- Run 10yds, 20 dry docks
- Run 10yds, 30 Merkins
- Run 10yds, 40 squats
- Run 10yds, 50 lunges IC
- Run 10yds, 40 squats
- Run 10yds, 30 Merkins
- Run 10yds, 20 dry docks
- Run v, 10 HR burpees, Run 10yds
Pax took their turn calling and counting exercises including LBCs, flutters, Heels to Heaven, plank jacks, hammers, Superman rows, single leg Homer to Marge, bows and toes.