Time To Wake Up

July 19, 2018

WHEN: 07/19/2018
QIC: Funny Money
PAX: Knope, Blue Indian, Waterboy, Soda Popinski, Green Egg, Banana Split, Low Tide, Alamo, Sal Pal, Funny Money

Remember the last Q for YHC at this site, three weeks ago? No, you don’t, because YHC slept right through it! Today YHC began the long, slow process of making amends. The first step is putting together a self-effacing Q, so YHC decided to do a workout based on time (thinking of alarm clocks, how YHC is always late, etc.).


SSH (20)

IW (15)

WMH (20)

Slow merkins (15)

Mountain climbers (20)


We each picked up two bricks from the Copperhead Pile and carried those in a Ricky Bobby around the Liberty Warehouse building and into Central Park. There YHC dispatched each PAX to place one brick at each of the 12 numbers on a clock face, arranged around the big circular sidewalk between the skate park and the playground in Central Park.


We proceeded to move to different points on the clock via sprints, bear crawls, crawl bears, duck walks, or crab walks. Once we arrived at different points we would do one of the following: burpees, merkins, squats, flutter kicks, Freddie Mercurys, LBCs, dips, urkins. There was some mumblechatter about how uneven the clock face was, with Sal Pal noting that the clock resembled the ones in Salvador Dali’s famous surrealist painting. YHC and the PAX reflected on the construct of time, did some Johnny Dramas on the steps, and then moseyed back to base and returned the bricks to the pile.


2ndF at Pour tonight at 8pm. Prayers for the Knope clan as they drive north to the Great Lakes State.



Working out with you brothers always beats sleeping in. SYITG