This Workout was Irrational

March 14, 2018

WHEN: 03/14/2018
QIC: Shake It
PAX: Harbaugh, Icarus (FNG), Foghorn Leghorn, Mate, Slug, Fish and Chips, Stop Drop and Roll, Shake It

3/14 is commonly known as Pi day.  Some quick facts about Pi for the uninformed.  Pi or π is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.  It is famously known as an irrational number because its decimal expansion never terminates and never repeats.  We commonly approximate pi for calculations as 3.14 or 22/7. 8 PAX in total, including one FNG, joined YHC to celebrate Pi Day.



  • SSH x25
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 RBLAC x10
  • Spider Lunges x10
  • 3 sets of merkins x14 each (regular, wide, diamond)


The Thang

YHC lead the PAX out of Seawell and along what my cross country runners know as the red gate trail.  This connected us to the fire trail that runs behind Seawell and Smith, and then we carefully made our way down the hill.


Locale 1: The Outdoor Classroom

I think it was a boy scout troop that constructed this little area, but I’m not 100% certain. The outdoor classroom is a large grouping of wooden benches. Saluting Pi day, we did 3 sets of 14 reps of dips (cadence count) and bulgarian squats.


Locale 2: Smith Patio Rock Garden

We continued our fellowship pace on the trail that lead us past Smith’s recess field, and across the back of the school.  In a little corner is a small rock garden that Podrick and YHC assembled this year for our wrestlers. Every PAX was instructed to grab a rock.  We did seven exercises with 22 reps each. If PAX had a one-handed rock they split the reps to do 11 on each hand.

  1. Overhead press
  2. Bent-over rows
  3. Tricep Extensions
  4. Curls for the girls (Foghorn went and found a better rock for this one)
  5. Body Weight Squats
  6. Shoulder raises
  7. American Hammer


Locale 3: Bus Parking Lot

The parking lot is adjacent to the patio so know journey necessary.  We gorilla crawled along the bus loop stopping at each tree to perform 5 jump squats.  There were a lot of trees, too many trees.


We then jogged out of the Smith parking lot and along Seawell School Road back to our shovel flag at Seawell.  Just in time for some core work.



  • Flutter kicks x25
  • Box cutters x20
  • Heels to heaven x20



  • Welcome FNG Icarus.  He’s an English Language Arts teacher at Smith with Shake It and Harbaugh.  Formerly from Michigan and he’s a bike rider. Some great literary names were thrown out, but we settled for Icarus.
  • Prayers for Mate’s wife
  • Prayers for the safety of the all of the students taking part in the protests today.
  • Lot of our PAX will be doing the Tobacco Road Full/Half Marathon, or the 5K for Education this weekend.