YHC didn”t sleep very soundly last night in large part (read: exclusively) due to anticipation for his Virgin Q at the Wall. While confident in the plan, execution at “Go-Time” brought a fairly high level of anxiety to this Q newbie. In such times, YHC turns to the immortal words of Teddy Roosevelt”s “Man in the Arena” speech which encouraged men (and women) to always “strive valiantly” even in the face of possible (and even likely) failure. This motto was put to the test as a massive number of PAX roll-in for the pre-Holiday workout. It”s Go-Time!
YHC leads to a count of 14, inspired by age of his oldest daughter (Duplo correctly identifies this). Several PAX incorrectly guessed the real RG3”s number (creative!) but YHC stuck with it and counted in cadence the following:
14 Windmills
14 Arm Circles (Front),
14 Arm Circles (Reverse)
14 Willie Mays Hays
14 SSH
14 merkins
The Thang
Bataan Death March
YHC didn”t anticipate 30+ PAX so had to make some modifications. 3 lines of ~10 PAX lined up for the Bataan Death March. The BDM is akin to Indian Run except last PAX in line drops to perform 5 burpees as the others jog forward. Upon completion of burpees, PAX sprints to front of line and taps the next (last) guy in line who then drops to do 5 burpees. Cycle runs until each person has completed the Burpee-Sprints.
Sprint to Dips and Irkins
PAX sprint up the hill to the Pavilion and perform Dips and Irkins to a 14 single count.
Upon completion, PAX mosey to the bottom of the Grassy Knoll.
Bernies & Burpees
PAX partnered up to perform the next exercise on the Grassy Knoll.
* Partner 1 performs Bernie Sanders (eg, run up the hill backwards) then does 10 squats and returns to his Partner at bottom of the hill.
* Partner 2 does Burpees until Partner 1 returns, then repeats the Bernie Sanders cycle above.
Partner Suicides
Round 1
* Partner 1 runs suicides across the court (3 segments), 10 squats, then Bear Crawl back
* Partner 2 performs squats until partner 1 returns, then repeats.
Round 2
* Partner 1 runs suicides across the court, 10 LBCs, then Lunge walk back.
* Partner 2 performs LBCs until partner 1 returns, then repeats.
Balls to the Wall
* Mosey to the Wall where PAX line up for BTW. YHC cuts 14 count in half to 7 given number of people.
Peoples Chair
*Switch positions to peoples chair to a 7 count, with individual PAX calling out arm / leg up combinations.
* 14 Flutter Kicks in Cadence
* 14 Ski Abs in Cadence
* 3 Merkin Ring of Fire
* Welcome FNGs Topper and G-String!
* “The Big House” officially launches on 7/12, Wednesday at the Briar Chapel Clubhouse. Everyone is encouraged to attend the inaugural Q to be lead by Boyardee.
YHC introduced the PAX to Teddy Roosevelt”s Man in the Arena and how even in the face of potential failure it”s better to actually strive valiantly vs. be “amongst those cold timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat”. YHC tried to recite the bulk of it from memory so sharing here:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”