The Legend of Richard Robert

April 11, 2019

WHEN: 04/11/2019
QIC: Cosmo
PAX: Scapula, Bellhop, Malware [EC only], Boucher, Kia, Cardiac

Picked up the Q from our man Floyd, who is still recovering from all those Spartan monkey bars. Raring to go this morning.

Good weather and the Fat A$$ Challenge compelled YHC, Scapula and Bellhop to get in a two-mile EC ruck. We were pleasantly surprised to be joined by Malware, who clearly isn’t a challenge participant but needed to get a little something in before heading into work early. Lousy work.

Great fellowship on the ATT, with a few double time stints to get the blood pumping and shed the unexpected chill.

Returned just in time to start the proceedings.


Willie Mayes Hayes X 10 IC
Good morning X 10 IC
LBAC X 10 IC and Reverse
Butt Kickers X 10 IC
High Knees X 10 IC
Imperial Walker X 10 IC
Slow Merkin X 10 IC

Peanut Lap

Meet at soccer field


Informed the PAX we were just gonna do a bunch of Ricky Bobbys up and down the field, punctuated by an exercise on either end. About midway through it occurred to YHC that any extended period of Ricky Bobbys should be likewise extended to be called Richard Roberts. A good time was had by all.

5 burpees
Ricky Bobby to far end
5 burpees
Ricky Bobby back
10 jump squats
Ricky Bobby
10 jump squats
Ricky Bobby
15 merkins
Ricky Bobby
15 merkins
Ricky Bobby
20 LBCs IC
Ricky Bobby
20 LBCs IC
Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby
20 LBCs IC
Ricky Bobby
20 LBCs IC
Ricky Bobby
15 merkins
Ricky Bobby
15 merkins
Ricky Bobby
10 Jump Squats
Ricky Bobby
10 jump squats
Ricky Bobby
5 burpees
Ricky Bobby
5 burpees

Mosey to corner for Mary


Series of ROFs at each corner, of course Richard Robertsing to each spot
Six-Inch Hold/5 flutters IC
Low Plank Hold/5 Merkin
Plank Hold/5 burpee

Got through two sets each, then a 3/4 AYG Richard Roberts lap back to the corner. Quick little recovery jog then that was it. Was told we covered about three miles total.


Prayers for the family of Kong Lee, the owner of the coffee shop who died in the explosion yesterday. Also for the firefighter, Darren Wheeler, who was seriously injured, and all those who were injured or otherwise affected by this tragedy. Grateful for first responders who evacuated to prevent this from being so much worse and who were there to help those in need. Let’s be looking for ways we as a group can assist in the recovery.

Good luck to all those participating in Tar Heel 10-Miler on Saturday.

YHC took us out.

An honor and privilege as always. Coming soon to an AO near you: the long-awaited Scapula VQ! Stay tuned.