The Infection of Enthusiasm

December 26, 2019

WHEN: 12/26/2019
QIC: Bump Draft
PAX: Rambler, Splashback, Marky Mark

Wm-up: Slow shuffle to left then right (high to low); SSH (10); front claps (12); 10 merkins; arm circles

Then slow jog around parking lot

Buy in- mountain climber suicides (2 mc’s at each stop run back)

Christmas Circuit Combos (as fast as you can)

  1. Snow Angel foundation with two quick burpees on baby (Baby, It’s Cold Outside) 2:47
  2. Mountain Climbers foundation (dry dock) on (ring ring by Ray Conniff); 2:28
  3. Gorilla pushups with manmakers on chorus (Hupp Cossack) 4:35
  4. Sit ups (with tuck jump on Happy) by Happy Holidays by Peggy Lee 1:55
  5. High knees with pushups on Jingle from Jingles Bells by Frank Sinatra 2:01
  6. Star jacks with fast feet mountain climbers on (Jingle bells Streisand) 1:55
  7. Circle bear crawls with burpee on Tannenbaum 3:00
  8. Plank jacks with jump on Remember 3:39
  9. Up and downs with two pushups on snow up 2:26
  10. Squat jumps with pushup jacks on Run (Run, Run Rudolph) on 2:40
  11. Switch jumps with 2 wide grip pushups Merry Christmas Baby 2:35

Announcements: Please continue to sign up to Q the new #amrap; Feb. 24 is a murph at #thethicket

COT/BOM: I encouraged the PAX to find discipline beyond the doom and gloom of mornings. It’s often difficult to find discipline in multiple areas of our lives.

Summary: The PAX learned to enjoy several Christmas classics, which included two versions of Jingle Bells (Barbara Streisand and Frank Sinatra), along with other classics such as Lou Rawl’s Merry Christmas, Baby, Lena Horne’s Let it Snow, etc. Splashback hates country music, but enjoyed listening to the strange metaphors found in Kenny and Dolly’s A Christmas to Remember.

Image result for lou rawls christmas