Sweats’ War On The Body

May 5, 2020

WHEN: 05/04/2020
QIC: Chum
PAX: Virtual

Plagiarized a workout from Sweats verbatim: 

The first 20 minutes is to be completed EMOM (every minute on the minute). Exercises are simple: merkins and squats. Set a timer for one minute, and do one push up and one squat, then rest until the next minute comes. Each minute, you escalate your reps by 1. For example, in minute 13 you will do 13 merkins and 13 squats, then you use the rest of the minute to rest. When the next minute comes, you do 14 of each, and so on, up to 20. 
 Let’s see who can join the 20/20 club. You get 1 point for completing each minute (max points 20). No partial credit for any minute in which you cannot complete the exercises. However, for example, you could skip minute 15 and get some extra rest in order to enable yourself to complete minute 16.   As always, focus on your form.

The next challenge will be scored on a point system. 
 3 minutes: Max alternating jump lunge (one point each rep; rep is doing both legs once). 
 1 minute rest
 3 minutes: Max burpee (one point each rep)
 1 minute rest
 3 minutes: Plank hold (1 point for each minute plank held)
 1 minute rest
 3 minutes: Max Flutter kick (1 point each rep; rep is doing both legs once)
 1 minute rest
 3 minutes: Max SSH (1 point each rep single count SSH)
 1 minute rest

 3-5 minute run to cool down and Floyd Plank (1 point max; 800 meter minimum) and bonus one point for Floyd Plank photo taken and sent to channel)

Hope everyone isn’t devolving too much during this quarantine. Stay strong.