Swabbing the deck…

August 26, 2019

WHEN: 08/26/2019
QIC: Knope
PAX: Baggins, Blanch, Clipboard, Dial Up, Funny Money, Happy Trees, Justice, Magellan, Roach, Shake It, Slice and Dice, Soda Popinski, Tater Tot

14 hearty mates climbed aboard the Jolly Roger at 0530 as we shoved off for a great morning in the pre-school gloom. Ahead of the 14 PAX, 4 prepped for the voyage with some heavy metal EC.

YHC took the helm as 0530, and we opened the sails.

Warm Up

SSH x 24

WMH x 12

Harvesters x 12

Batwing x 15 CC (LBAC, RLBAC, Seal Clap, OH Clap, OH Press)

The Thang

We had a couple newer PAX join us, so we moseyed to a big wall for some Balls To The Wall/People’s Chair ring of fire rotations:

BTTW x 8 Count

People’s Chair x 8 Count

Australian Mountain Climber x 10 CC

People’s Chair x 5 Count

Hip Slappers x 10 CC

Mosey to the Track. YHC brought the F3 workout deck and split the PAX into two groups. The two groups were stationed at the 200 m marks with 1/2 of the workout deck. Each PAX drew a card, performed the exercise, and moseyed the 200 m to the next pile. If the card drawn was a method of travel, PAX pulled another card, performed the exercise then followed the method of travel in lieu of running the 200 m. PAX should have ended up with approximately 1.5 miles of running.


Asheville Abs (Crunches legs flat on ground, knees bent, regular position, legs at 90 degree angle, each with 10 CC reps)

Flutter Kicks x 30

Hello Dolly x 25


The Bull is coming up October 26. If you want to help reach out to Floyd.

Labor Day convergence will occur at Devil’s Ridge, Shake It is the Q

September 11th stair climb is on at Kenan Stadium, in honor of the lives lost on 9/11/01. Check Slack for more info.

Prayers of thanks for a successful procedure to remove a melanoma spot from Tater Tot’s wife’s lower leg.

Prayers for the teachers and 2.0s that were starting school today.


Thank you fellas for allowing me to lead this morning.