Did a version of this one a couple of months ago at Tobacco Road. The basic idea is to build strength by having every PAX work themselves to failure. 20 gathered in the gloom to do their best Max Power impression.
SSH X 20
Good morning X 10IC
Imperial Walker X 10 IC
LBAC X 12IC and reverse
Mountain Climber X 20 IC
Eskimerkins X 10
8-count bodybuilders X 8
3/4 lap mosey
MAX Merkins – When can’t do anymore regular, switch to hand release, then switch to knees
Winner got to call out number of recovery burpees – Newt went with 7
Mosey to next corner for 30 WWIIs oyo
Mosey to next corner for more MAX merkins
Winner Teo went with one recovery burpee initially, then bumped up to 10 after Rocket protested
Mosey to next corner for 50 WWIIs oyo
Mosey to next corner for MAX merkins
Winner Yunus went with 11 recovery burpees
Mosey to next corner for 40 WWIIs
Mosey to rock pile – two rocks, one big, one about 2/3 size
MAX Overhead press with big rock, when smoked drop big rock and smoke self out with smaller rock
MAX Row same as above
MAX Curls same as above
Rinse, repeat
Rinse, repeat
35 squats with big rock for good measure
Mosey back to hill
Burpback Mountain – partner up, one partner backwards runs up hill and regular run back down while other partner does burpees. Each pair did 100 burpees total
Only had time for one Plank ROF, 5 merkins each – 2.0s all crushed their merkins!
Prayers for students returning to school
Prayers for Cool J’s co-worker Ann, undergoing cancer treatment
Prayers for a member of Riggs’ church who suffered a serious burn injury
YHC took us out
Have reached out to Knope, Scrooge McDuck, Bellhop and Botched about implications of soccer league that is arriving early on Saturdays. Particularly worried about safety with lots of traffic coming in and out. In hindsight I probably should have audibled out of burp back mountain. Thanks to all PAX for looking out for one another. Strong push by everyone today. If your chest isn’t sore tomorrow, lemme know so I can adjust accordingly next time. Aye!