Stay In The Fight

April 5, 2019

WHEN: 04/05/2019
QIC: Rambler
PAX: Nitro, Chum, Dive, Petri, Mothman, Stubbs, Zook, Rambler


10 Willie Mays Hayes

The Thang

Today we honored the passing of Cadre Roony, a GORUCK cadre, father, and much more. While I never had the opportunity to do an event with, or meet the man, by all accounts he was an amazing individual. Cadre Roony was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer last year, and put up a hell of a fight.

In the gloom, we did a modified Cadre Roony WOD:

  • Run 400m
  • 75 4-count mountain climbers
  • 75 Air Squats
  • Run 200m
  • 75 4-count flutter kicks
  • 75 4-count overhead clap
  • Rinse and repeato sets of 50 and 25 and run
  • Run 400m


Homer to Marge, LBCs, Tin Soldiers, Corpse Pose


Cadre Rooney was a HIM. He was an operator. He gave his best everyday, even when faced with the spectre of pancreatic cancer. It was my birthday last Tuesday. On that day, another Cadre, DS, reached out to me with a simple message, “Happy Birthday! Stay in the fight!” Little did he know those last 4 words were words that, unbeknownst to me, I needed to hear. New job, Parkinson’s symptoms going haywire, other assorted turmoil….I feel like the last 3 months have been a battle on all fronts. Stay in the fight….those words have been echoing in my head. They gave me perspective; all these battles are worth fighting. I am worth spending the energy to resolve these things. My family deserves my best efforts.

In this day and age it is so easy to retreat, to hide behind a screen, or in work, or in various addictions and distractions. Surround yourself with those who will lift you up when you need it. Stay in the fight. Look for opportunities to be that person for someone else. A few simple words can have a huge impact.

Stay in the fight!