Griswold put out the call for a Q the day before and I sat quietly trying to ignore it. I’ve been to AMRAP maybe four times over the past 2 years. But I was contemplating a second week in a row this week. Was I ready to Q an AO that required a bunch of heavy metal? Not really. BUT, I recalled ALL.THE.CINDER.BLOCKS we dropped off at the AO a few months ago and thought…why not.
- SSH x 20 IC
- Good Mornings x 10 IC
- Abe Vigoda (long slow windmill IC x 10)
- Stretch PAX Choice
I called upon the Six is Sexy workout for today. I used when I was doing Pathfinder the first time around and thought it’d be a nice change of pace. The plan was to use cinderblocks in place of rucksacks.
We did the below circuit twice, and walked with blocks overhead around the soccer field in between the two sets.
6 Rounds with a ruck cinderblock
6 Burpees
6 Push Ups
6 Squats
6 Lunges (each leg)
6 Thrusters
6 Overhead Squats
6 Rounds with a ruck cinderblock
6 Sit ups (cinderblock on chest)
6 Flutter kicks (holding cinderblock overhead)
6 Leg lifts (holding cinderblock overhead)
6 Crunches (holding cinderblock overhead)
6 6″ then knees to chest (6″, bend hip and knees to chest while holding cinderblock overhead)
60 second hold at 6″
6 Rounds with a ruck cinderblock
6 cinderblock curls
6 cinderblock ground to overhead
6 Overhead Tricep extension
6 Overhead cinderblock presses
6 cinderblock swings (Kettlebell swings)
6 cinderblock upright rows
No Time
Love F3, love the camaraderie, the mumble chatter, and just starting off my day with such great men. We’re lucky to have what we have here in BC and Churham wide. There are lots of sad clowns out there that need F3. Keep recruiting! It changes lives.
All four sleeve groups were represented today:
- Tank Top – The Rambler
- Sleeveless – Griswold
- Long Sleeve – Paperboy
- Short Sleeve – RG3