Sally, Hills, and Bearcrawls, Oh My

September 6, 2017

WHEN: 09/06/2017
PAX: Avalanche (EC only), EZPass, Borland, Fry Daddy, Texas Pete, E-Trade, Elf, Subprime, T’eo, Kitten, Shake-It, Deep Dish, Right Swipe, Barksdale, Cheese Splint, Prancing Horse, Champ, Cooter, Peach, Marta, Beano, Timber, Weezer, Pi, Floyd, Peppermint Pattie, Pedialyte, Walt

28 PAX posted in the crisp Chapel Hill gloom, the spectre of a recent devastating loss to California still looming over their crestfallen faces. Still we must press on.

For extra credit, there were several groups including 2 ruck groups and a running group. I didn’t get a count. It looked tiring. YHC got some beauty rest and showed up feeling perky for the main event.

Warm up:
Jog down to the tennis courts and circle up

SSH x 25
Windmills x 10
Arm circles x 10
Mountain Climbers x 20
Calf stetches

The Thang: String of Pearls

For those who don’t know what a string of pearls workout is, it is when you go from one thing to the next to the next. Usually, you travel around to different locations. In today’s case, the string of pearls was bunched up in the dresser drawer. Look, not all analogies can be great. Let’s move on.

Pearl 1: Sally
You know the drill. Moby and his awful, repetitive song. Bring Sally Up = High Plank. Bring Sally Down = Low Plank. See how long you can last and then go to your knees and modify as needed.

Pearl 2: The Big Hill
Jog over to bottom of the steep pathway leading up to the parking lot. This one is straight forward…Run up the hill, Do 10 hands-off merkins, run back down. Repato x 2 for a total of 3 laps and 30 Merkins.

Jog back to the tennis court

Pearl 3: Modified Bearway to Heaven Suicide (or something)

The ORC has an amazing set of tennis courts, 6 in total. During this pearl, you:
Bearcrawl 1 court, 2 burpees, run back
Lungewalk 2 courts, 4 burpees, run back
Bearcrawl 3 courts, 6 burpees, run back
Lungewalk 4 courts, 8 burpees, run back
Bearcrawl 5 courts, 10 burpees, run back
Lungewalk 6 courts, 12 burpees, run back
Pick up the 6, 6 burpees for all

Pearl 4: Floyd’s Tabata
Queue Enter Sandman by Metallica. While the song is playing, oyo:
5 Donkey Kicks
10 Squats
15 Donkey Kicks
20 Squats
10 count rest

Total time 5:31 minutes

Flutter kicks, Bushwood style x 60 count


Prayers to those affected by the previous hurricane and the ones to come

Welcome travelling PAX from Raleigh: E-Trade, Texas Pete, Fry Daddy, and Borland

YHC’s quest for Master Q continues 12/25 complted. Thanks for coming everyone