Anticipating a big crowd, Newt put the call out for a co-Q for the special Father’s Day workout where Ms and 2.0s are invited. YHC volunteered, not realizing there are some expectations with this one. It’s a beloved F3 tradition, so the pressure was on to live up to past workouts.
Newt and I met at Whole Foods on Thursday to map out strategy over beers. (Whole Foods has $3 pints on Thursdays, FYI, though YHC opted for a bottle of Scrimshaw, a tiny miracle that only has 2g of carbs but tastes like real, good beer.)
Props to Big Kat and Stinky Pete for letting us pick their brains for fun, family-friendly activities. Had a good plan, we felt, then got to know each other a bit. Always funny, the small-world connections with F3. Turns out we go to the same church, St. Thomas More, though attend different services. And our kids are almost exactly the same age. Always good to get that 2nd F thing in when you can.
Split it up so YHC took the warm-up, then traded off as morning progressed.
Warm-up – Cosmo
- SSH X 20IC
- Good morning X 10IC
- Willie Mayes Hayes X 10 IC
- Imperial walker X 20 IC
- LBAC X 15 IC, reverse X 12 IC
- Mountain climber X 15 IC
- Plank jack (option to have a 2.0 on your back) X 10 IC
- Merkin (again, option for 2.0 on back) X 10
Mosey to end of field for a couple more “warm-ups”
- Hot sand – High knees across the field
- Apple turnover – Bearcrawl to half field, then flip to crab walk for rest of the way
- 5 burpees IC
- Tortoise or hare – bearcrawl with 2.0 or bunny hop
- DORA – 50 merkins, 100 squats, 150 overhead claps while partner runs backward down and runs forward up
- DORA part two – same exercises and reps as above, but mode of travel is moving with two rings, can only move with foot in ring – harder than it sounds
- Ball sprint – A bunch of tennis balls on one side of the field. Our task was to go get a ball from that end and bring it back to other end until all had been moved. Wrinkles: Only one ball at a time, some balls had exercises on them that must be performed before return trip, and 2.0s 7 and under got to play gremlins and sabotage the whole thing by taking as many balls as they could carry that had been moved down back to the starting spot. Good times.
- Gauntlet – Grown-ups line up on either end of goal box armed with tennis balls and racquetballs. 2.0s must run through. If any 2.0 is hit with a tennis ball, the group has to stop and do a team burpee for each hit. They went through the gauntlet twice with minimal burpees.
- Then adults had to crab walk the same gauntlet, with two burpees per direct hit. Much groaning from grown-ups when this announced. We did many burpees and the kids had a blast.

- Sharks and minnows – Shark must bear crawl, minnows run. Houdini volunteered to be the first shark. Did about six rounds. The minnows won.
MARY – Newt
- Plank ring of fire – Everyone in circle named favorite movie – with 44 people that got a decent bit of Mary in!

Uh, it took a while, on account of 10(!) FNGs that needed names. If had to do it over again, may have split COT into two for time. Appreciate everyone’s patience. Got some good names out of it in the end. President Business, Bellhop’s boy 2.0, is personal favorite.
Mr. Brady offered prayers for Big Kat, who had to miss today to drive up to New York, where a friend has gone missing during a swimming competition. Prayers for his safe travel and for his friend.
Crockett took us out, per TBL tradition.
Newt and YHC really enjoyed this opportunity to lead. The kids all seemed to have a good time, which is the most important thing. Awesome to be able to share this part of our lives with Ms and 2.0s, and strengthen both our family bonds and bonds with our F3 brothers in the process. Happy Father’s Day weekend to all. Aye!