Rockin’ Fun Show

February 4, 2019

WHEN: 02/04/2019
QIC: Fieri
PAX: Frank Lloyd Bunyan, Duplo, Nightshift, Zook, Mothman, Stubbs, Bright Idea, RG3, Closer, John Boy, Brotox, Yanni, Nanu Nanu

YHC was in the mood for something different, musical perhaps. Music always makes things better, right? So YHC got to work cutting and splicing some of classic rock’s all time greats, which would become the backdrop for today’s Q. But first, some warmup….

SSH IC x10
SSH (Double-Time) IC x11
SSH (Triple-Time) IC x10
Imperial Walkers IC x10
Willie Mays Hayes x10
Calf Stretches

Ricky Bobby up the street and back to the parking lot
Bear Crawl Suicides (halfway across the parking lot, and then all the way)/Bernie back
Partner Up: Buddy Carry each partner a lap around the parking lot/Flapjack
Partner Up: Partner Leg Lifts x30/Flapjack

OK, this is where the music comes in. Here’s the deal. This is a cut of 87 songs over about 21 mins. PAX must (as a group) name the band/artist for each by shouting it out. A miss means we do burpees until we get three in a row correct. Meanwhile, the PAX rotated between SSH, Merkins, Air Squats and WWIIs in the between. Last song in the cut we held bows and toes. I’ll have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with the PAX knowledge of classic rock. We still had a quite a few burpees to do but it could have been far worse.

Link to cut if interested:

Merkin Ring of Fire x5

I always like to mix things up and do something fun to break up the monotony. Hopefully this worked. It is difficult this time of year to post because of the weather, Superbowl, etc. If you know of someone who hasn’t posted in a while reach out and try to encourage them to get back at it. Let’s make each day count. Aye!