Road to the Final Four

March 28, 2022

WHEN: 03/28/2022
QIC: Vice and Funyun
PAX: Laces Out, Plinko, Motorboat, Pookie, Lightweight, Rightswipe, Harbaugh, Dogwood

Hard to believe but as close as it is and as much as I love the Tar heels, I have never qued at Kenan. Call it a respect thing or a fear of screwing it up but there are a ton of Monday AOs and this one is rarely open. Originally the plan was for me and Boucher to q this and film our introductory expansion q video for the region but it’s Boucher’s bday and he’s out of town celebrating. The video will wait and Funyun stepped up to help lead. Pleasantville decided to join us since it is spring break and we thought there would be enough to split like they always do at pleasantville,  but we opted to stay together 10 pax answered the chilly Monday morning call on the road to the final four.

The Warmarama- 20 IC SSH, Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, 10 slow squats, 10 merkins

The thang: Mosey over to the new rock pile and split into offense and defense. We partnered up and one partner was in a low squat rock curl defensive stance while partner two was up on the toes and getting the offensive rebound. We switched and repeated this three times.

Next we moseyed over to the blocks and the other thing that all teams in the final four have shown is H-E-A-R-T. So the next thing we did was kept the offense and defense partners and while one partner was running the offense down to the end of the parking lot, the other partner was playing defense with the blocks.

H- Weighted homers

E- Elevated feet up on the block merkins (these are also called a durkin but it doesn’t fit my spelling)

A- Arnold presses

R- Rows- one arm row till partner got to the end of the parking lot and switch arms on the way back

T- Tricep extensions or tricep overhead holds

Funyun led us through campus over to a back hill for some more on the long road to the final four. Partner one did some exercises while partner two did some backwards run up the hill, once partner one finished the exercise they had to sprint to catch partner two. The exercises were 30 merkins and 20 Monkey Humpers each. I think Funyun had more but I was really struggling at this point after stairs and hills. The Pax did some more planks and things while I struggled through the backwards running and hill work.

Mary- We finally made it back to the AO for a little Mary. We did a 3 count dying cockroach and 3 count overhead press. The idea was to get to 10. We only made it to 6 before time expired.

COT: Happy Bday to Boucher and Cauliflower. Remember the quarterly report this weekend at Weaver Street Market in Hillsboro and for those who are interested there’s a new AO location called Hogan’s heroes on Thursday at Lake Hogan Farms. Paradise will also have a 2 our delay with a focus on 2.0s on Thursday as well. There’s a lot going on and thanks to @lightweight for the loaf of bread and @right-swipe for opening up the stadium runs. It was a great start to spring break week.