
February 19, 2019

WHEN: 02/19/2019
QIC: Dueling Banjos
PAX: Nitro (RESPECT!), Boyardee, Yanni, Marky Mark, Duplo, Mothman, Rebar, Catskill, GTL

Catching a break between what’s been a rainy stretch in the southern part of heaven, YHC was met with chilly but comfortable temperatures, no wind, and a sky full of stars. Mothman was parked in front of YHC’s house promptly at 5:15 am. A pleasant drive discussing life, work, and family went quickly as we made our way to the North Chatham County outpost that is The Jag.

Pulling into the parking lot about 10 min early, we were surprised to see Yanni pull in shortly after. It’s always good to see Yanni at a workout, although as Q, I always realize I have no hope of having him break a sweat.

Mothman and YHC decided to do 2 warmup laps around the makeshift Jag track as we waited. Yanni did Burpees in the parking lot. Soon enough, cars were flowing in including some of the BC PAX in clown cars. As we circled up, a blue Camry came racing in. Duplo was coming in hot. It must be time to start.

We performed counterama to confirm. Nitro decided to leverage his second language of spanish to exclaim “Quatro!” This seemed perfectly appropriate given that the Jag is a multilanguage school. The only problem, he was actual the 5th pax. After several more tries, we finally got it right. There would be 10 PAX.

The following account is approximately what happened. The facts might be slightly distorted and the full extent of the mubble chatter can’t be fully conveyed.

SSH x 20
Mountain Climber x 20
Willie Mays Hayes x 10
Arm Circles Forward x 10
Arm Circles Reverse x 10
Imperial Walkers x 10


Keeping it simple today, YHC planned to leverage the Jag track to mix up some exercises with some running. We’d pair up and do an F3 classic. Partner 1 does exercise. Partner 2 runs the track. Flip flop until total exercise count is met.

Burpees x 50
Overhead Claps x 100
Merkins x 150
Big Boy Situps x 200
Squats x 250

Note: There was plenty of time for chatter during this portion of the workout. Between Yanni correcting Boyardee’s merkin form and discussion fo the upcoming Duke-Carolina game, the chatter might have been better than YHC’s actual planned workout. At some point in the squats portion, YHC got bored and decided to redirect to something else. BOMBS take a really long time.

Each PAX planks with 2-3 feet between. PAX take turns box jumping the line. No repeat because that could get dangerous.

Bear Crawl Inch Worm
Each PAX planks in a line. PAX take turns bear crawling around the line. Repeat.

Freddie Mercury x 20
Heels to Heaven x 20
Homer to Marge x 20
LBCs x 20
Fish Out of Water x 10 Left x 10 Right
Boat Canoe (Rebar)


The Gambler – See the channel for the exact date since none of the PAX on hand could recall.

Brotherhood is the key theme and one of the best parts of F3. YHC appreciated the attendance from the travelling BC PAX. The mumble chatter is always welcomed as well.