My daughter told me told me last night that I’m like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. She offered several reasonable comparatives and referred me to the “Pyramid of Greatness.” I had a pyramid themed beat down in mind–hence the name for today’s routine. According to this exceptional thought out pyramid…
- Frankness: Cut the B.S.
- Intensity: Give 100%. You can’t give 100%. Only idiots recommend that.
- Honor: If you need it defined, you don’t have it.
Words of wisdom… I’ve found that any man that makes a mustache work is worth listening to.
Warm up
SSH, Good morning, hillbillies, slow squats, slow merkins, mountain climbers
Starting under the deck to mind the rain and lightning the pyramids began. 5, 10, 15, 10, 5 each of Merkins and plank jacks running ~20yds between each.
Turned around and did 5, 10, 15, 10, 5 each of squats and monkey humpers walking lunges ~20yds between each.
Weather permitted leaving the deck, so we did the only logical thing: mosey’d to the Cobb deck. Climbed to the top getting our pyramid on the way up 5, 10, 15, 15 burpees. There was one too few level, so we had to make up a stop of burpees.
We Paula Abula’s it down running 2 levels then Bernie Sanders back up one. After finishing the Bernie, we began Heels to Heaven IC. When the last pax arrived we began counting ensuring every pax got a pyramid of 5, 10, 15, 10, 5 IC.
Mosey’d to the library we bear crawled with stops of donkey kicks and alternating shoulder touches 5, 10, 15, 10, 5 each.
Heels to heaven, Peter Parker, Flutter, Parker Peter, Heels to heaven