Pull up a People’s Chair for Some Bagels

October 14, 2014

WHEN: 10/14/2014
PAX: Backdraft,Bushwood,Gopher,Prancing Horse,T.O.,Two-Ply

7 Pax made it out to Cedar Falls Park for this unusually warm October morning.

The Thang:

Warmup: Jog around the field, SSH, IW, Windmills, Arm Circles F/B, High Knees, Willie Mays Hayes, Merkins, Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the playground for stations:

10 Pullups on the wheel of misery, 2 sets of upward rows on the swings, 2 sets of peoples chair on the swing, dips. Repeato

Mosey to the parking lot and across the street to East Chapel Hill Parking lot for 4 corners.

Set 1- Sprint to each corner and do: 10 SSH in cadence, 10 High Jumps OYO, 5 Peter Parker Merkins in cadence, 5 Burpees OYO.

Set 2- 15 SSH, 15 High Jumps, 10 PPM, 10 Burpees.

For Set 3 don’t stop at each corner. Instead just get low and shuffle (basketball stance) to 1st corner, Karaoke to 2nd, shuffle to 3rd, karaoke to 4th.

Mosey to the wall in front of Bagels Over Chapel Hill for people’s chair. Hold for a 10 count from each person. Grab some curb for 20 each side fast step-ups and 20 curb hops.

Mosey back to the soccer field for plankorama.



-Nice to see some new faces at the Vortex!

-Two great Q’s by Assisi and Two-Ply coming up in the next few weeks followed by November’s Playlist of Pain!