Pounding Parking Lot Ladders

August 17, 2017

WHEN: 08/17/2017
QIC: Sweats
PAX: Sweats, Crockett, Mr. Brady, Scrooge McDuck, Mounds, Porterhouse, Chubbs, Soda Popinski, Sweater Vest, Screech, Tugboat, 2-Ply, The Exchange

13 PAX awoke in the gritty streets of Durham to pound the parking lot pavement.  This workout was designed to push PAX increasingly harder as each graduated to the next level.  Each lunge or bunny hop represents the grind, and then while many expect things to get easier, they do not.  They just get harder with more and more reps.  What is great about these workouts is you see guys find a reasoned and calm mind to address the challenges as they become more difficult.  These are the guys who actually speed up towards the end.  Yes, there is an orderly discipline to taking on huge challenges, taking them one step or one rep at a time, and making sure the work that is done stays in the past while the work yet to be done is only taken as it is encountered and not a moment sooner.

We warmed up down the street at a large parking lot next to the skating park.  This is where we would stay for the entire workout, pounding the pavement hard and using the parking lot – in all of its lined, predictable simplicity – for as much pain as we could muster.


  • At the parking lot, we lunge walked 2 parking spaces, then did merkin ladders up to 19.  That resulted in 180 merkins.
  • We then bunny hopped back 2 parking spaces at a time with jump squat ladders up to 19.  180 jump squats in total.
  • Suicide every even numbered space.  This resulted in a 5-minute suicide.  Brutal.
  • Finally, we partnered up for partner ladders: Burpees and tuck jumps.  One guy does a burpee, the other a tuck jump, then you switch, and you raise the number after each guy does one (2 and 2 in next round).   Most made it to 6 or 7.


This was a great end to Durham week for ‘ole Sweatsy.  The crew really brought a ton of effort.  Cheers to guys who suffered with me multiple times: 2-Ply, Tugboat, Snowman, Mounds, Porterhouse, Screech, Chubbs, Soda Popinksi, The Exchange, Sweater Vest, Funny Money.   Such a great crew who are each making Durham an awesome place to post.

Back in Chapel Hill next week for Vortex, Cougar, and OCL.


  • Check out the F3 Podcast
  • Check out the book “Spartan Up!” by Joe De Sena