All kinds of storm warnings, tornado warnings, etc. for today, so YHC expected a light turnout (possibly even a solo Q). But we only got some light drizzle, so Dial Up showed up from an EC run and a clown car produced Pancake and The Body. A fearsome foursome representing!
20 SSH
10 Willie Mays Hayes
10 Harvesters
10 Imperial Walkers
10 body-weight squats in cadence
We moseyed over to the Chapel Hill Street parking deck to stay out of the rain and to stay away from the security guards in the newest parking deck. While en route we discussed the bad beat that some Super Bowl gamblers took when they bet on the “over” for the prop bet based on Pat Mahomes rushing yards (over/under was 39, he was at 44 with 1 minute left so a lead-pipe cinch, but then he knelt three times, including one elaborate dropback where he kept backpedaling to run extra clock–thereby reducing his rushing total to BELOW the over/under).
We bear-crawled up one ramp and then did backwards-run up the next ramp, x3
Ran downstairs to 1st floor
Then crab-walked up one ramp and then did lunge walk up the next ramp, x3
Ran downstairs to 1st floor
Somewhere in here we discussed Funny Money’s Rule of Sports Wagering, which is that you should only bet on sports when you see an arbitrage opportunity. Best example of a BAD sports bet is the knuckleheads who bet on the Super Bowl Coin Toss, which inherently cannot have arbitrage opportunity (unless Vegas gets so many bets on “heads” or “tails” that it has to move the line). Also at this point Dial Up took off–apparently eager to begin making bank off the sports wagering theories of Funny Money?
Bear-crawled up one ramp and then sprinted up the next ramp, x3
Ran downstairs to 1st floor
We ran up and down the entire stairwell from Floor 1 to Floor 9, x2
Then we did Mary:
30 LBCs
10 merkins
30 flutter kicks
Five reps of Superman
Moseyed back to AO.
TRIANGLE OF TRUST: We said prayers for Happy Trees and Larry Legend. Bring ’em back as soon as they are healthy!