Week 3 of theme month at The Big House warranted costumes and a sick playlist. Sir Mix A Lot (duh) and RG3 were happy to oblige. It was just above freezing. The PAX were gathered by the shovel flag. At 5:28, they saw these guys coming at them. A 90s rap-themed beatdown awaited….

Performed to Baby Got Back, Sir Mix A Lot
- SSH x25 IC
- WMH x 15 IC
- Imperial walker x 15 IC
- Good Mornings x 15 IC
- Hill Billies x 15 IC
Jump Squats and Overhead Claps
Performed to Jump-Jump, Kriss Kross
- Overhead Claps to the beat of Kriss Kross, Jump Jump
- Squat Jumps during chorus
- Return to overhead claps at conclusion or other exercise of Q choice
Dead or Alive
Performed to Ain’t Nuthin’ but a G-Thing, Dr. Dre
First trivia break was to see if PAX knew whether several 90s (some 80s) rappers were dead or alive.
– Correct answer: 10 merkins
– Incorrect answer: 10 Burpees
The PAX were clearly not challenged enough as they answered all five correctly. T-Claps to Rambler.
- Young MC (alive)
- Biggie Smalls (dead)
- Dr Dre (alive)
- Eazy E (dead)
- Big Daddy Kane (alive)
Plank to Merkin
Performed to Ice-Ice-Baby, Vanilla Ice
- Plank hold (various types called out by RG3) until chorus (Ice, Ice, Baby).
- Merkins during chorus, return to plank at conclusion.
Real Names
Performed to My Name Is, by Eminem
Trivia break 2 centered around whether the PAX could name the rapper associated with their birth name. This proved to be a bit more challenging but the PAX still performed admirably. Audible on exercises for correct and incorrect answers:
– Correct: 10 WW2
– Incorrect: 10 Burpees
- Sir Mix-a-Lot – Anthony Ray
- Vanilla Ice – Robert Matthew Van Winkle
- MC Hammer – Stanley Kirk Burrell
- Ice Cube – Oshea Jackson
MC Hamm-Burpee’s
Performed to You Can’t Touch This, MC Hammer
During song 1 burpee everytime the word “touch” is sung for a total of 28 (ish) burpees. In between the PAX alternated between the Hammer side shuffling, SSH, and other exercises.
Gin and Juice and People’s Chair
Performed to Gin and Juice, Snoop Dogg.
Sit in people’s chair for duration of song. Overhead claps to the beat of the music during chorus.
Extra’s since we had Time
Performed to California, Tupac and The Real Slim Shady, Eminem
- Bear crawl across lawn, lunge walk back
- Bernie Sanders across lawn, 10 merkins ic, 5 burpees oyo, crawl bear back
Performed to Who Am I (What’s My Name), Snoop Dogg
- Flutter kicks x 20
- WWIIs x 20
- Electric Bugaloo x 20
- Glute Bridge / Homer to Marge x many
- Merkin centipede to 5
- The Gambler coming up 4/6. See Channel for details.
- Final week of Ruck PT at the Wall slated for Friday.
- Bright Idea taking over for RG3 as co-site Q at the Wall (along with Fieri)
(Unintentionally but effectively) performed to Regulators, Warren G.
Everyone is going through something. A friend may be getting a divorce; worrying about whether or not they have a job; dealing with a sick relative or friend. Reminder for all of us to be there for our friends and for those in need, even if they don’t realize they need it. Be a shoulder to lean on. An ear to listen to. A person who cares. Do your best to be the best Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Uncle, Colleague, etc. that you can be.
I think Marky Mark said it best in his slack post:
Things I learned at The Big House this morning: @sirmixalot and @rg3 can do burpees with gold chains on … Vanilla Ice and Eminem were in the same decade … @Nitro might be a Regulator … Big Daddy Kane is still alive … MC Hammer says Can’t Touch This a lot … and @Paper jam knows every word of Gin & Juice.