Murder Bunnies (Hold the Murder)

September 8, 2021

WHEN: 09/08/2021
QIC: Cosmo
PAX: Knope, OPEC, MLP, Castaway, Wreck It Ralph, Crash Cart, Swamp, Red Tape, Max Power, Cherry Baked, Bellhop, Singlet, Elf, Scribble
YHC began the proceedings by announcing that he was sick of his own Qs and was going on hiatus. Feverishly looking for empty Q slots when feeling lousy about myself is a compulsion of mine. Totally healthy. Please get to a Q sheet near you to save us all from Cosmo’s neuroses.
As noted above, little planning goes into deciding when or where to sign up, so it just so happened that YHC led two workouts on Iron PAX weeks. As with last week’s falcon, the idea today was to provide an antidote to that baloney. (That’s right I said baloney! Sorry to swear.) Main difference was last week FOLLOWED IPC Week 0 at tobacco road, whereas today preceded. So vowed to take it kinda easy today. Which we did.
Long warm up to include SSH, Michael phelps, imperial walker, hillbilly, willie mays Hayes, good morning, mountain climber, Peter Parker and slow merkin.
Mosey to bottom of parking lot
Mode of travel = run
  • 10 plank jack SC at each island down and back for a total of 70
  • 10 hand-release merkins at each island down and back
  • 10 jump squat at each island down and back
  • 10 WWII at each island down and back (YHC sustained first F3 tramp stamp in recent memory from this)
Mosey to metal
  • High pulls with slow descent IC X 15
  • Bent-over rows with slow descent IC X 15
  • Curls with slow descent IC X 15
Surprisingly only had time for one round – today went fast
  • Box Cutter X 20IC
  • Hello Dolly X 20 IC
  • Homer to Marge X 20 IC
  • Yoga – Downward dog, Cobra, Child’s Pose, Cat Cow
9/11 stair climb (run or ruck) at Kenan this Saturday at 0700. Register.
Max Power offered prayers for himself that he survives the Week 1 baloneyfest (sorry again for the foul language) tomorrow. Same goes for all of us.
YHC took us out.
Nothing fancy, nothing brutal today. Save that for tomorrow. Hopefully a good tune-up. Good luck to all participants. In conclusion, and pardon my French once again, murder bunnies are baloney. So much so that they should be called murder baloneys. Aye!