Friday is YHC’s 40th birthday and one-year F3 anniversary. Celebrating these milestones with Qs all week.
Many of you know that I’m a big fan of The Simpsons, at least Seasons 3-15 or so. So each Q this week will be paying tribute to a member of the Simpsons clan. Today we honored Mr. Burns assailant Maggie Simpson. In coming up with the plan, had fun perusing all the stuff in the Exicon with the word “baby” in it and also that which helped us spell out M-A-G-G-I-E.
MLP and Avalanche joined me for a very steamy EC ruck. Sweating good by the time we got back for the ME.

Little Baby Arm Circles (of course) forward and reverse X 12 IC each
Grandpa Simpsons (AKA Abe Vigoda) X 10IC
Groundskeeper Willie Mays Hayes X 10IC
Slow merkin X 10 IC
Mosey to track
Carry the baby (buddy carry) around track, switching halfway or thereabouts
Walk the baby (wheelbarrow) around track, switching as needed.
These were a little tricky with five people. Thanks to MLP for coming up with an effective system to make sure everyone got their money’s worth.
Mosey to garden opposite blacktop to grab a smallish rock. (Cheesesplint went “largish.”)
Back to wall for Rock a bye Baby X 15 IC – People’s chair position, cadence count where 1 is overhead press, 2 is chest press and 3 and 4 is American hammer on either side with rock
Then spelled out M-A-G-G-I-E with series of exercises, interspersed with crawls. You know, like a baby.
M is for Merkin – 20 oyo, then bear crawl to other end of blacktop – bringing rock with you. Then 15 merkins oyo and crawlbear back.
A is for Air Squat (with rock) X 40 SC, then bearcrawl down (sans rock this time) for 35 more squats SC, crawlbear back
G is for Gas Pump – LBC position, straighten legs out to Dolly position, then back, cadence count. 15 IC, bear crawl down, 10IC, crawlbear back (Per the Exicon: “Sit next to @Mungo in the Lake Murray region when he does these, and you’ll know where the name comes from.”)
G is for Goofball – Run in place with arms going up and down above head like you’re climbing a ladder – so named because we all looked like goofballs doing this. 20IC bear crawl down, 15IC and crawlbear back
I is for Iron Hulk, aka Jack Webb. 1:4 merkin to air press. So named because chest gets pumped up like The Hulk but air feels as heavy as Iron Man’s suit on those air presses. Or so the story goes. Got up to 7/28. Skipped crawls due to time and smokage.
Put rocks back and moseyed to track
E is for Empty Wheelbarrow (baby carriage) – Get in crab walk position while partner holds legs. Each got through two rounds or so of carrying and crab walking. Generously will say we made it about 1/3 the way down the track. This was rough and slow going.
Moseyed back for Mary. En route, YHC shared a bit of Maggie Simpson trivia with the PAX. The guest voice when Maggie says her first word (episode 9F08, “Lisa’s First Word” – Season 4, episode 10) is, randomly, Elizabeth Taylor. Maggie says “Daddy” but only the audience hears.
Little Baby Crunch (of course) X 20IC
Little Baby Flutter Crunch X 15 IC – On your 6, feet do flutter kick while upper body does crunch. Ignore number of times legs move, only crunches are counted.
Homer to Marge/Marge to Homer – The Exicon has this as Homer is six inch position (because he is often horizontal on the couch), while Marge is legs straight up in the air (like her hair). I know Churham version is different, but we went with the canonical version. Called these out alternating between Homer and Marge until 6:15
No announcements or prayer requests. YHC thanked the PAX for coming out and generally expressed gratitude for this F3 thing. I’m a better man for it, as are we all.
YHC took us out.
Come on out to The Piranha tomorrow for a tribute to brainiac/moral compass, Lisa Simpson.
Those who missed today missed seeing YHC rocking this bad boy. Your loss.