Motivation ME

September 2, 2021

WHEN: 09/02/2021
QIC: Catskill
PAX: Funny Bone, Cauliflower, Rebar, Nightshift, Vice, Eddie the Eagle, Sharktank, Quicken, Flapjack, Spooky and Spit Bucket

Warm up:

Windmill 10IC

Imperial Walker 10IC


Hamstring Stretch into an inch worm

Merkin, inch worm back, slowly stand up x5



Main Event:

Mosey to bike rack to begin a series of Tabata exercises.

1st exercise is inverted rows for 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 5 rounds

2nd exercise is the jump squat for 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 5 rounds

3rd exercise is the Erkin/Derkin on tire or bench for 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 5 rounds

4th exercise is the flutter kick/box cutter/hello dolly for 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 5 rounds

5th exercise is the tire/wall alternating hand tap for 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 5 rounds

6th exercise is the toe taps on tire or wall for 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 5 rounds.

7 exercise is the burpee for 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 5 rounds

Ran out of time – no Mary