Meet Log, your new neighbor!

July 2, 2018

WHEN: 06/30/2018
QIC: Golden Pinky, Rambler
PAX: Golden Pinky, Rambler, Uzi, Grunge, Heartworm, Paperboy, Germ, Stinky Pete

Many GRT and soon to be GRTs will be destroying the Chapel Hill Tough and/or Light the weekend of July 6th, including YHC. Seeing that this was the last Basecamp prior to the event, we wanted to accomplish two things: many miles and getting familiar with The Log. This would also mark Golden Pinky’s final workout as a resident in Churham. We wish him and his family the best in Austin, and hope he has opportunities to return on occasion. Golden Pinky and YHC collected The Log from last November’s Chapel Hill Tough and dropped it off in an inconspicuous location near The Wall.

The Thang:

YHC, Germ, Uzi, and Grunge elected to step off at o500 in the pursuit of miles. 3.75ish were logged in 52ish minutes as we descended upon the AO, where we picked up the rest of the crew. A brief 1/2 mile warmup later, and we came upon The Log. Under Uzi’s tutelage, we split into 2 relatively same-sized groups and practice picking up the log, deloading the log, switching teams while moving, and various other tasks. After about 20 minutes, we had our fill for the morning. Kudos to Stinky Pete, Heartworm and Paperboy for diving right in and embracing the suck!

More miles were had, and along the way we double timed, lost our strap privileges, marched with rucks overhead, and various other sordid activities… We wound up back at the AO with 8 minutes to spare, at which point I handed over the reigns to Uzi. I’ve come to realize he always has a smokefest or 10 at the ready, and  this was no exception. With rucks on, we did 50ish bodyweight squats, 25 lay-down-and-stand-back-ups (much harder than you would think they would be!), low plank holds, and other torturous things that will, no doubt, make me a better person. 😛



I’m grateful that we have the opportunity to willingly come out and participate in activities that are difficult. We do them together. We assist each other without hesitation. We encourage others without prodding. Find opportunities to be that person in your daily life away from the Gloom.