When a site’s called #theeagle and one of the the Q’s favorite bands is called The Eagles, it becomes a no brainer: play some music, do some exercises. 3 PAX arrived for EC, 11 for ME.
“Tequila Sunrise” (2:53)
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
WMH x 10 IC
Slow Merkins x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
“Heartache Tonight” (4:25)
YHC got the PAX overhead clapping on the beat as a casual lead in to the always heartache- (and shoulder ache-)inducing Bat Wings:
OH Claps x 15 IC
Seal Claps x 15 IC
LBACs Forward x 15 IC
LBACs Backward x 15 IC
Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 5 up and down
Partner up and mosey to the front of school.
“Life in the Fast Lane” (4:46) and “Already Gone” (4:15)
Use the large island in the front parking lot as a “speedway.” Break into partners. One completes the crawls and walks below in the left lane, while the other sprints the outer, “fast” lane.
1: Bear Crawls
2: Crab Walk
3: Gorilla Walk
“Seven Bridges Road” (3:04)
AKA “Seven Bropees Road” – Use the 4 islands on side of school near basketball cage. Complete Bropees x 7, then Leap Frog partner over partner to the next island. Repeato. Lots of jumping. PAX saw it as a “taste of time sweetened honey.”
“Hotel California” (6:31)
Use basketball cage as hotel: “you can check out any time you like, but can never leave.” Still in partners, one on wall, one on slab – both completing the following exercises AMRAP until one gives up, then flapjack:
P1: Merkins, P2: Tuck Jumps
P1: Carolina Dry Docks, P2: Bobby Hurleys
P1: Parker Peters, P2: People’s Chair
“Take It Easy” (3:31)
J-Los x 15 IC
Peter Parkers x 15 IC
Dollies x 15 IC
Flutters x 25 IC
Superman Ring of Fire x 10 Count/PAX
Kept in the silence of our hearts.
If you’ve not seen the “History of the Eagles” documentary, YHC would highly recommend it – one of the best musical documentaries / rockumentaries out there. Until then, I leave you with this: