YHC and Wakanda had a goal to watch every Star Wars movie this summer – and we did it! The day before school started, we finished Rise of Skywalker to cap off our force-filled break this past Tuesday. With that content top of mind, we decided to make Star Wars the theme for our upcoming Romper Room Q. As part of our preparation, we reviewed other F3 backblasts that referenced Star Wars and viewed a series of YouTube videos with Star Wars workouts. And so…
Not so long ago in a galaxy just 10 minutes from our home, 40 PAX felt the force and found themselves drafted to the rebellion. As they approached the rebel base, sounds of Star Wars filled the air. If they were to become jedis, train they must.
On to the field of battle steps Jedi Master Soybean and Sith Lord Wakanda in an unusual alliance to defeat the Dark Side (aka family fartsacks and Starsky Duck Donut runs). They had pored over the ancient Jedi texts and designed a training sure to speed up the emergence of new Obi Wans, Lukes, Leias and Reys.
- Ewok Jacks x 20 IC
- Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
- Light Saber Deflectors – x 10 Right / Left
- Force Flows x 10 Right / Left
- Rebel Run x 20 IC
- Anakin Pod Race Around Half Field
Line up across side line, half of field
- Yoda Walk (Duck Walk) to other side, then Skywalker Merkins (standard merkin, lifting open faced palm straight ahead in plank) x 10 SC
- Imperial Stormkickers to other side, then Dooku Jabs (lift left knee and right hand, step back and thrust left hand forward) x 10 Left / Right)
- Tauntaun Trot (High Knees) to other side, Saber Squat Swings (jump in, x 10 IC
Bantha Crawl (Bear Crawl) to other side, then Palatine Power Punches (open hands, alternating forward) x 20 IC front / up
- Rey Run (1-2-3 Jump) to other side, Obi Wan Strike (lift knee, swing saber across) x 10 Right/Left
- Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs (AYG) or less, then Death Star Jumps (crouch in ball, jump and blow it up with arms and legs extended in X) x 20 OYO
- Light Saber Leaps (stick held knee high, every PAX forms lines and jumps over))
- TIE Fighter / X-Wing (Boat/Canoe) x 15
- Vader V Twists (“Choke, Choke, Choke”) x 15 IC
- Clone Chops (on 6, knees bent, back on ground, hands held above head as if with saber, “up” and chop = 1) x 15 SC
- Mandalorian Hammers (holding Baby Yoda) x 15 IC
- Qui Gon Hold Ring of Fire (legs six inches off ground, upper back six inches off ground, palms up, hold) “May the Force Be With You” x 42 PAX, broken in 3 segments
The PAX welcomed 40 new Jedis with 4 of them being FNGs: Rey, Katniss, Darth Warts and Carmex (on the spot named “Drone”, but YHC / Q made a post-training audible).
NOTE: I’m still missing 5 names from the PAX report. Please help me fill it in!
As YHC mentioned in my concluding prayer, we all know Darth isn’t our real father, the Force is the Holy Spirit and Luke/Rey aren’t the ones who ultimately save the day. Live like sons and daughters of the King, and remember that there are people in our every day lives that yearn for the Light that only YOU can bring. And bring, you will.