Ice Cream Man

March 5, 2019

WHEN: 03/05/2019
QIC: Yanni
PAX: Catskill,Rebar,Boyardee,Marky Mark,Nitro

Warm Up
SSH, IW, Merkins, Arm Circles

10 merkins, 10 plank thrusts, 10 jump squats, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Squirms, 5 Broad jump back lunge burpees

Stacking Burpees –
Line up along parking space facing other side of parking lot
Round 1:
– Burpee then 1 broad jump then backward lunge(both legs = 1)
– Burpee, 2 Broad jumps, 1 back lunge
– Burpee, 3 Broad jumps, 1 back lunge
etc… increasing broad jumps until the end of the parking lot
Round 2:
– Burpee, 1 broad jump, 5 squats, 1 back lunge
– Burpee, 2 broad jumps, 5 squats, 1 back lung
etc… increasing broad jumps until the end of the parking lot
Round 3:
– Burpee, 1 broad jump, 5 squats, 5 merkins, 1 back lunge
– Burpee, 2 broad jumps, 5 squats, 5 merkins, 1 back lung
etc… increasing broad jumps until the end of the parking lot
Round 4:
– Burpee, 1 broad jump, 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 WWIIs, 1 back lunge
– Burpee, 2 broad jumps, 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 WWIIs, 1 back lung
etc… increasing broad jumps until the end of the parking lot

Bear Crawl Indian Run

Using the drop off line numbers
Bear Crawl to each sign, PAX calls out an exercise to do for each number

Merkin Wheel
Curb hops

Push Thru’s with ascending merkins


Great work men! Go out today and Jump!