I got your 10 count

March 1, 2019

WHEN: 03/01/2019
QIC: Nightshift
PAX: Brotox, Petri, Stubbs, Zook, Dive, Nitro, Kibbles, Iron Lung, Nescafe

It was brought to my attention at another BC AO that I “could ask for a 10 count.” I wanted to be sure the Mustang faithful didn’t feel shortchanged on their 10 count expectations, so I got that out of the way after our first routine. I may have been most grateful for it though. Our first routine lasted 22 minutes!

Warm up

Mountain climbers, slow merkins, imperial squat walkers, SSH, Bat Wing in low squat hold


Dora 1,2,3 on the stairs; 100 shoulder touch erkins on the curb, 200 imperial squat walkers, 300 Mountain Climbers. Using the parking spots, mode of transportation was bear Crawl & Crawl bear to next median. Traveling burpees to next median. Paul Abdul again to the end. Work our way back with ascending LT. Dan’s on the way back increasing squats with each spot. I think it ended with 25 squats or something.


Without dropping our feet box cutter, hold, reverse box cutter, hold, hello dolly, hold, flutter, hold. Glute bridge recovery.