Hodge Podge Animal Menagerie

November 22, 2019

WHEN: 11/21/2019
QIC: Cardiac
PAX: Kia, Polina, One Direction, Bells, Pikachu

YHC had used up his monthly allotment of creativity on the Avengers workout at the Piranha,  so this morning was compilation of less used cardiac exercises.

Warm Up:

20x SSH

?x burpees till you felt warm

Plank Circuit:  10xMerkins, 15x Mountain Climbers, 10x Merkins, 15x Plank Jack, 10x Merkins

High knees, butt kickers, backwards, and high skips to the baseballs and back to the park entrance gate.

The thang:  Utilizing the only 2 hills at Tobacco Road we strung together a traveling menagerie.  Bear crawl down the hill towards the woods, the crawl-bear back up to the top.  Followed by a frog hop across the road then bunny hop to the edge of the big grass field.  Sprint to the far end of the field then backwards run back to the edge of the field.  Bunny hop to the street and frog jump across the road.  We followed this up with 2 more cycles of just the bear-crawl/crawl-bear.  Mosey to the playground for a circuit.  2 cycles of V-ups on the swing, wall kicks, calf raises.  Followed by 2 cycles of V-ups on the swings, one leg squats, one leg step ups.  YHC then took a quick straw poll to inquire if anyone had ever done a CaridacLap© 2.0 (around the playground – plank walk the curbs and high side step the railing).  Since nobody had ever done a CaridacLap© 2.0, I decided we should do 2 of them.  In between the cardiac laps we did burpees till everyone felt warm again, surprisingly it took fewer burpees now . Followed all the plank walking up with an easy 60 merkins, then headed to the flag for Mary.  Oh, I almost forgot we did a Capt-Thor-Hulk set on the legs (15x squats – 15x jumps squats – 15x jump squat plus tuck).

Mary:  Modified Heels to Heaven (1 leg at a time) followed by 20x SkiLows.

COT:  Prayers for Bell’s M coming down the homestretch with baby #4.