
December 10, 2018

WHEN: 12/10/2018
QIC: Yanni
PAX: Yanni

Perhaps it was the weather, or maybe it was the use of the word moist on the pre-blast followed by a disturbing comment. What ever the reason, YHC found 0 pax waiting when he arrived at the Thicket, the flagship of BC, at 0544. First thought was that the time had been pushed back 15 minutes to allow for a later start, but alas it was just a bunch of men fartsacking. As the cold rain was hitting a lonely pax of 1 standing under a street lamp in an empty parking lot covered in a thin blanket of half melted snow, a moment of insanity passed through YHC’s mind, of going back home to rejoin the fartsack. However, fartsacking will not make you stronger so YHC snapped out of this madness, refocused and got to work.

*2 pax claimed to have been walking around with backpacks on, but YHC never saw them.*

Warm Up

SSH, merkins, around the worlds,IW, merkins


Merkin/Squat pyramid to 10

Bear Crawl ladder – 1 merkin, BC  4 parking spaces, 7 merkins, crawl bear back, 2 merkins….

Merkins/Squats – 10,20,30,40,30,20,10

Dips – 10,20,30,20,10

Derkin/Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear/Derkins – Feet up on bench, 10 derkins, bear crawl out 10 paces, crawl bear back to feet up position, 10 derkins. x6

Planks – Mtn. Climbers ICx10, Plank Jack ICx10, Ski Abs ICx10, In-Outs x10 – x5


Thanks to all for coming out and braving the cold, wet, icy conditions. It’s days like these that test us and make us stronger. Go out today, after you all wake up, and be a better person than you were yesterday. AYE!