Gonna Get Myself Up North

October 9, 2020

WHEN: 10/09/2020
QIC: Chum
PAX: Nickelback, Denali (Respect!), Cortes, Dinghy, Milton, Buffay, Muzungu

It’s been way too long since I’ve been to the Northern Province.  Great group of guys up there.



  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • WMH
  • Slow Merkins
  • Michael Phelps
  • Pax Choice


Main Event


  1. In Cadence Bear Crawl / Merkins. Do 10 merkins, then 1 in cadence bear crawl.  Then, 9 merkins and 2 ICBC.  So on and so forth, down to 1 merkin and 10 ICBC.  Combined total always equals eleven.
  2. In Cadence Lunge Walk / Squats. Same sequence as before (10 & 1, 9 & 2, etc.).
  3. In Cadence Crab Walk / Heels to Heaven. Same sequence as before (10 & 1, 9 & 2, etc.).


BLIMPS, Grunge Style

A Grunge Classic.  6 rounds, 6 reps each exercise:

  • Burpees
  • LBCs
  • Iron Mike
  • Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • Plank Jack (IC)
  • SSH (IC)




Thank you as always for the opportunity and the support.  F3 is so much more than just a workout group.  Men holding each other accountable.  Men helping other men become better, stronger.  Iron sharpens iron.  I know I certainly need it during these unusual times.  Finish your week strong.  Aye!