Friendly Sandbaging ​

February 18, 2019

WHEN: 02/18/2019
QIC: Nickelback
PAX: Buffay, Pusher, Toast McQueen, Milton, Amelia, Nubbin


YHC likes the “Rock Hill” for warm-ups. It’s close. It’s steep. It’s just a thing of beauty. So with a silent disclaimer, the Pax hurled their bodies up and down the Rock Hill for warm-ups until Amelia showed up. It was all working out perfectly. The Pax circled up by the pool and crushed some standard warm-ups, but to ensure everyone feels good about their accomplishments let’s list them out here:

  • Arm circles forward 10x
  • Arm circles backward 10x
  • Hillbillies 10x
  • StormTroopers/Imperial Walkers 10x
  • Mtn Climbers

The Thang

Bridge Work

The Pax crab walked down the Rock hill to the bridge. There the Pax stretched out the tunnel of love style, reminiscing about Nubbin’s Life (and the about his life story Q that I hope gets it’s proper place in F3 Churham history with a published blog post). As the Pax held the tunnel of love position, one member grabbed the 40# sandbag coupon and ran up and back to the Pax where they bear crawled to the end and released the next pax member to do the same. The remaining Pax would alternative between tunnel of love holds and people’s chair until all Pax members had the glory of running up the hill and back down with the sandbag. Amazingly enough, YHC’s silent disclaimer was working and no one was hurt in the process.

We celebrated the conclusion of bridge work with some crab walks on the opposite hill as we made our way to the traffic circle.

Once the Pax were all together we lined up for some Ricky Bobby/Indian Run with the man in the back running to the front with the sandbag and then each Pax member passed back the bag until it made its way back to the line where the Pax member ran it forward until we reached out destination. For some reason Amelia started running away from the bag and the Pax half way through but fortunately, we caught his attention before he reached Mebane. At this point one of the seasoned Pax members reminded YHC about how the silent disclaimer was the best he had ever heard. Taking the hint, YHC mentioned “I’m not a professional” as we concluded the run at the traffic circle.

Traffic Circle

The Pax circled around @buffay who was holding the sandbag. YHC announced the timer would be the man in the middle crushing 10 curls. Then he would randomly hand the bag to another Pax member to take his spot until everyone completed 2+rounds of curls. In the meantime the Pax completed the following:

  • Squats 2 rounds
  • Merkins 2 rounds
  • Squats 2 rounds
  • Russian Hammers 2 rounds
  • Repeato ^

The Pax bear crawled to the base of the apartment entrance/exit. At this point site Q, and F3 historian/PR expert @pusher remarked “nice string of pearl action” showcasing his perfect listening record of the F3 Podcast. His knowledge cannot be outmatched. YHC continued on to the next pearl station.

Parking Lot Work

Short Jacobs Ladder

  • Just went to 5
  • Diamond Merkins/Tuck Jumps
  • Picked up the six and finished together

Paint the Lines

  • Defensive slides with 1 squat at the end of each line
  • 1 Pax with the sandbag would do curls at the end of 2 lines and sit down the bag for the next pax member to crush for 2 paint the lines


Pax circled up by the apartments for some coupon Mary work! We passed around the rucksack and sandbag as we alternated flutterkicks and Russian Hammers between 5-10 cadence counts until the circle was complete and it was 6:15am.



  • @buffay mentioned he wanted to be friends with all the Pax members and suggested we NOT hang out Wednesday as planned for the 2nd F, he will be in touch on Slack with communications
  • Prayers for Milton’s M, Pusher’s work opportunity, health and safety for families

It was great.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!
