Four Part Pyramid Scheme

September 25, 2014

WHEN: 09/25/2014
QIC: Floyd
PAX: Woody,Floyd

After a rainy night, two PAX braved the very dark gloom for a soggy workout.

SSH x 20
Windmills x 20
More stretching
More stretching

1/2 mile jog

The Thang
At the PAINground….4 part pyramid
Pull-ups x 2
Swing decline merkins x 2
Wall step ups x 2
Wall box jumps x 2

Pull-ups x 4
Swing decline merkins x 4
Wall step ups x 4
Wall box jumps x 4

This was repeated in increments of 2 all the way to 10, then back down to 2.

In all, 50 reps of each exercise were done.

Run to turf field for traditional sprints x 5 x 75 yards

LBC x 40
6” bobbers x 40
LSF x 40
Heels to Heavens x 40

Time was up so we went home

It is great to have Woody come out every Thursday. Let’s get some more men to commit to this workout. It is a great location.