Flossy Posse

November 14, 2018

WHEN: 11/14/2018
QIC: Yanni
PAX: Marta, Champ, TB, Sidecar, Appomattox, Teo, Beano, Boucher, Cheese Splint, Peppermint, RG3, Gordo, Right Swipe, Subprime, Avalanche

I would like to think that 15 of Churham’s best men came out today because they were excited about the #bc-takeover movement that was sweeping the nation as of Tuesday afternoon. However, they probably came out to see the scheduled Q for the morning, Nescafe. In reality they came out out because they are committed to the hard work and camaraderie that goes along with it. Unfortunately, they had to settle for a 3rd stringer. Churham has gotten so big that YHC doesn’t see some of the old friends from years past and it was good to reconnect with the men of Rameses.

The following is a true story…

Warm Up

The #bc-takeover movement started a few weeks back as a lark and grew into something that the men of BC really got behind and had fun with. The Briar Chapel gang decided that since we had this opportunity that we might as well have as much fun with it as we could. So we met in the middle of the night in secret hideouts, in dark alleys, in basements, we traveled by horse carrying lanterns and spoke in code. We would pass notes sealed with a wax house stamp and delivered by carrier pigeon. We made up a few parameters to see what each Q would do with them. 1) A non traditional burpee. 2) An animal movement. 3) A partner exercise.

YHC decided to knock those parameters out with 1 exercise. I give to you the buddy bear crawl gorilla hop buddy jump over burpees. Across the 6 tennis courts we would go. It was as awful as it sounds and we decided never to mention it again. Burn after reading.

Upon reaching the other side of the tennis courts YHC informed the men that what goes forward must go back, it’s simple physics. At this point TB shouts at YHC that he is a scientist and that’s not a real law of of physics. Subprime too question’s the legitimacy of the YHC’s scientific credentials and outlandish statements.

Scientific Credentials aside, partners would travel back in forth across the tennis courts stopping to act like idiots in between sidelines.

Mosey over to THWM for some ketsup. Half the group runs AYG up the hill, other half stays behind for AMRAP merkins. When group 1 gets to the top group 2 runs up while group 1 does AMRAP merkins.

circle ups for some plank 4x’s
1) Mtn. Climbers, Plank Jacks, Ski Abs, In-Outs – ICx5
1) Mtn. Climbers, Plank Jacks, Ski Abs, In-Outs – ICx10
1) Mtn. Climbers, Plank Jacks, Ski Abs, In-Outs – ICx15
1) Mtn. Climbers, Plank Jacks, Ski Abs, In-Outs – ICx10
1) Mtn. Climbers, Plank Jacks, Ski Abs, In-Outs – ICx5

V-Ups – (Champ)
LBC – (Appomattox)
Heels To Heaven – (Marta)

Thanks to the Rameses AO for letting me lead you this morning. I never take for granted how awesome this group is and how much you all mean to me. It’s always great to see new and old faces.
Go out and be the best father, man, husband, brother, uncle, partner, crazy room mate or whatever you are in your community.
Till the next time we meet in the gloom. AYE!

Thanks for letting me make you suffer!

Marta is a Floss expert