Flat Tire

July 27, 2020

WHEN: 07/27/2020
QIC: Nighshift
PAX: Uzi, Red October, Harbaugh, Maraschino, Foghorn Leghorn, Big Kat, Slug, Arthur, Elwood, Loveseat, Rebar

YHC turned an ankle on Wednesday. There would be no running, or any other exercise that required much from my fifth metatarsal. Despite this, we all managed to get our heart rate up.

Warm Up

SSH, Peter Parker merkins, burpos, mosey to Hooker Field


Bears in a Box: Facing forward the entire time, pax bear crawl to corner 1, does 1 merkin, side crawls left, 2 Merkins, crawl bear, 3 Merkins, crawl right, 4 Merkins, continue until 10 Merkins.

TABATA 2 rounds of: Squat Jumps, Lunge pulse RT, Lunge pulse LT, Monkey Humpers

20 LBCs IC

10 burpees every minute for 10 minutes.

Partner up for a Lazy Dora:

  • 50 dry docks / downward dog; switch every 25
  • 100 squats / low squat hold; switch every 50
  • 150 Flutters / 6” hold; switch every 75