Fat Amy at the ‘Rana

December 8, 2021

WHEN: 12/08/2021
QIC: Shake It
PAX: Fresh Prince and Blanche

0530 rolled around and YHC was the only one in the parking lot. The temperature and precipitation made YHC fear that this could be a solo post. Luckily, Fresh Prince rolled into the parking lot a few minutes later and Blanche a few minutes after that. We grabbed our kettlebells and headed to the overhang at the front entrance.

Warm-Up: exercises in cadence

  • SSH x25
  • BWS x10
  • WMH x10
  • Seal Clap x10
  • Overhead Clap x10
  • Slow Merkins x10

Fat Amy WOD

One of my favorite WODs I found on Wodwell during the F3 shutdown in the spring of 2020. A great resource if you are looking to Q a workout or do a workout on your own. For the Fat Amy, PAX complete the workout individually at their own pace.

50 squats

10 burpees

40 sit ups

10 burpees

30 lunges

10 burpees

20 kettlebell swings

10 burpees

10 meter bear crawl

10 burpees

20 kettlebell swings

10 burpees

30 lunges

10 burpees

40 sit ups

10 burpees

50 squats


3×3 Circuit


After we finally got our heart rates back to a normal level, YHC explained the next phase of the workout. We completed three rounds of a three exercise circuit OYO.


20 merkins

10 bent over rows w/ KB on each arm

10 thrusters w/ KB


  • Flutter Kicks x20
  • American Hammer x20


During the workout Blanche had asked if either of us had given up sugar before. This led us to talk quite a bit about healthy eating habits. The three of us agreed that cutting back on and potentially eliminating sugar is a great goal to have especially with the New Year approaching. Blanche and Fresh Prince even discussed a meal plan that involves fasting from 8 pm to 12 am (basically skipping breakfast). YHC took us out by praying for the willpower and strength to implement healthy habits.