YHC has had a bee in his bonnet to try and come up with some new and interesting workouts when Q’ing. So, today became a day to test some experimental designs. Shout out to the PAX who patiently put up with a few workouts that didn’t really “work out”, and had great suggestions for improving them.
SSH (20)
Imperial Walkers (10)
Willie May Hayes (11)
Arm Circles (10 forward, 10 reverse)
Coupon* Ricky Bobby to the parking deck stairwell: first in line is holding the coupon, when the last guy runs up to the front of the line he takes the coupon and so on.
(*cement block wrapped in bubble wrap and duck tape)
First experiment: Stairwell Bucket Brigade
The PAX lined up on the inside of the stairwell, the last PAX in line (bottom of the stairwell) had the coupon. That PAX did three overhead presses, handed the coupon to the next PAX, then ran up the stairs to the front of the line. Rest of the PAX does squats until their turn with the coupon. Repeato until we made it to the top.
What didn’t work: there was just too much time with not much to do. The squats were a great suggestion from Slug, but despite going up stairs you could just about hear everyone’s heart rate going down.
What we tried: on the way down, how about two overhead presses and heels raises while waiting. Nope, not much better. Just the very idea of “waiting” doesn’t exactly scream “great workout!”.
What worked: scrap the frills, just focus on the action. YHC was a little hesitant to try this, because I didn’t want anyone to trip on the stairs or drop the coupon on their foot, but what worked best was just passing the coupon from the last guy to the next and then that last guy hauls ass to the front of the line. Did this on the way up, and then back down. Constant motion. All PAX agreed, this worked best.
So, then we mosey’d to the bike trail…
Second experiment: Bear Crawl Shuttle Run
So, funny story, my original plan was probably what would have worked, but YHC saw an odd number of PAX and panicked.
The plan: starting from where the tracks crossed the bike path, three PAX begin bear crawling and the other two PAX run down the path (out of Carrboro) to the next intersection and then back. When the running PAX reached the last bear crawling PAX, fist bump and trade. Now the bear crawler runs to the end and back, and relieves the last bear crawler.
What didn’t work: YHC just did not visualize this properly, so Slug (bear crawling beast that he is) basically bear crawled nearly the entire time.
What probably would work: the original plan, pairing off PAX, probably would have worked. Everyone would have been switching. On further reflection, even a group of three would have been fine: two PAX bear crawl, one runs, and each PAX is responsible for relieving the next guy in a strange bear crawling/running triangle of pain.
Alright, YHC was about 0.5 for 2 so far. Mosey to Carrboro Town Commons…
Concerned that the PAX got a decent beatdown, a small escalator ensued. 20 WWIIs, run from corner to next corner and back. 12 merkins, 20 WWIIS, repeato. 15 plank jacks, 12 merkins, 20 WWIIS, repeato.
Then the last one… Third experiment: Pass the Rock Please (Rock Plank Bucket Brigade)
PAX lined up shoulder to shoulder in plank starting at the corner. First PAX passed a rock to the PAX to his right, did a merkin, then up and ran to plank at the end of the line. Repeato with the next PAX and so on to the next corner.
What worked: everything. More than five or six PAX probably wouldn’t work quite as well, as it’s all about that speed and having to get back up and down. Just wish we had had time for a couple more rounds of this.
Mosey back to the AO for Mary:
Hip dips*: Plank, right arm high, with right foot on left foot, then dip your hip until it touch the group and back up (10). Repeato for the left side.
LBCs until time (40)
(*if these have an actual name, someone let me know)
Coco convergence at Thin Blue Line tomorrow.