Everyone Gets a Coupon

December 6, 2017

WHEN: 12/06/2017
QIC: Shake It
PAX: Bright Idea, Gomer, Golden Pinky, CO2, Johnboy, Rambler, Skynyrd, Doobie, Mr. Woodcock, Shake It, Zook, Kosher, Cold Call

The final Q of YHC’s master Q challenge. It’s been fun getting to meet all the men across Churham, and take a look at all of the AO’s. Huge thank you to all the AO’s for putting up with the guest Q’s. I realize this challenge takes away from the idea of building up the PAX to Q the workouts they normally attend, but hopefully having the Master Q candidates come by injected some energy and transferred some new workout ideas to the site.
13 PAX arrived in the gloom for a rather humid 49 degree workout. Skynyrd and Rambler decided to complete the workout with rucks on. “Bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off”

Warm-Up: All exercises completed in cadence.
Imperial Walkers
Slow Merkins

The Thang: The Walls of Jericho
With it being form week, YHC knew that it was going to be crucial to educate, slow things down, and lesson the reps in order to improve form. YHC Q’d a Walls of Jericho workout months ago at OCL, and thought it would meet the requirements for form week. The plan is to perform 7 reps of 7 different exercises and then run a lap around the club house. You then do this 7 times. YHC decided to focus on form with coupons, so PAX were instructed to bring whatever they had to share: kettlebells, cinder blocks, dumbbells, sandbags, etc. Here’s a list of the exercises we focused on.
1. Overhead press
2. Swings
3. Lunges
4. Flutter Kicks
5. Skull Crushers (a tricep exercise)
6. Goblet Squats
7. Russian Hammer (everyone’s personal favorite)
The first time through YHC took the time to teach the movements, and go over possible modifications for the exercises. Exercises were all down in slow count to emphasize form. In the successive rounds we were able to transition from one exercise to another more efficiently, and so start knocking out rounds a little faster. YHC did utilize a Weinke to keep the exercises straight and in the proper order.

As was the case at OCL months ago, we did not finish the entire workout as planned. We got through 5 full rounds of exercises and laps. The lap around the clubhouse was approximately 0.35 miles (according to map my run) with a nice hill at the finish, and the workout is designed for a quarter mile lap. Regardless we got 1.75 miles of hard running in, and 35 hard-earned reps of each exercise. Ruckers took a modified, shorter, course around the clubhouse to keep the PAX altogether.

YHC really enjoyed the last lap where Golden Pinky attempted to beat me back to the coupons. We were in an all-out sprint up that hill. Thank you for pushing me GP.

Mary: Hammers and Flutters were in the workout.

BC 2nd F this Sunday at the clubhouse. No girls allowed!!
Churham holiday party Dec. 15 at The Strowd on Franklin. M’s are welcome.
Operation Sweet Tooth. Donate toys and gift cards to the UNC and Duke Children’s Hospitals. Bring donations to your workout on 12/15 or to the holiday party.

Shake It out! (mike drop)