A number of fist bumps on the channel last night which YHC took to be HCs. Unfortunately, none of those guys showed up. YHC was relieved that Uncle Phil took himself off the IR and posted this morning, so it didn’t turn into a solo Q.
Uncle Phil and YHC immediately made our way to the covered overhang at the front entrance of the school. The goal here was to get a good workout in and stay out of the rain.
Warm-Up: all exercises done in cadence
- SSH x25
- WMH x10
- Good Morning x10
- Overhead Claps x10
- Seal Claps x10
- Squats x10
- Slow Merkins x10
- Mountain Climbers x10
- Alternating Shoulder Taps x10
The Thang: B.O.M.B.S.
YHC decided to do B.O.M.B.S. which is an elongated version of the Dora 1-2-3. If you want a better explanation you can read about it on the F3 Exicon.
- B: Burpees x50
- O: Overhead Claps x100
- M: Merkins x150
- B: Big Boy Sit Ups x200
- S: Squats x250
- Box Cutters x20
- LBCs x30
- Flutter Kicks x20
- 1 minute bows and toes hold