DR meets Floyd’s Balls of Doom

July 24, 2017

WHEN: 07/24/2017
QIC: Floyd
PAX: T’eo, Choo Choo, Tater Tot, The Snowman, Squash (FNG), Virgo, Sully, TwoFace, Soda Popinski, SweaterVest, Floyd, Tugboat, Riggs, Troller, Tuco, Juco, Nickelback, Shake It, Bushwood, Shovel, Assisi, The Penguin, Crimson, Amphibious

24 PAX congregated in the early morning gloom at 0530 for YHCs continuing quest to complete the Master Q challenge. 9 PAX rolled in hot from completing some pullups EC at the nearby Al Beuhler trail. There was a lot of spirit and mumblechatter, possibly because it was Monday and everyone was rested. It was also possible that spirits were high was because we had an unusually high # of PAX. Between you and me, it was like corralling a bunch of cats high on catnip. #problematic. Most likely, the reason for the large numbers was that everyone was avoiding #theeagle like a plague because of their healthy fear of Sweats and their confidence that YHC wouldn’t bring too much pain. Hopefully, I disappointed them.

Disclaimer for the FNG was given.

SSH x 20
Windmills x 10
Merkins x 20
Willie Mayes Hayes x 10
Arm Circles x 15

Mosey to the parking Deck

Thunderstruck: PAX lined up on the stadium seating in Irkin position while AC/DC cranked out one of their best alltime tunes (Best from an F3 perspective anyway). Every time Angus and company belted out the word “thunder” the PAX did an Irkin. With Irkin plank in between. Nothing hard, but it set a nice tone for the workout.

Run to the 1st floor of the parking deck at the stairwell. PAX were instructed to ascend to level 7 and at each landing do a set of exercises. Total landings 6 (Thanks for the math lesson, Shake It)

Set 1: 10 Merkins per landing, total = 60
Set 2: 15 Air squats per landing, total = 90
Set 3: 5 burpees per landing, total = 30

Assemble on the top of the parking deck in a large circle. Time for Floyd’s Balls of Doom. For those of you who don’t know, a long time ago, YHC decorated two soccer balls with numbers and exercises. The balls get tossed in the circle and whatever exercise and number pop up what we do. We did this for at least 5 minutes and there were jump lunges, LBCs, Carolina Dry Docks, and a few others. Time flew fast and we didn’t linger.

Run across the deck to the parking deck ramp for Usain Bolt Mary.

We lined up in a line and one PAX called out an exercise while another threw a soccer ball down the ramp. The PAX were carefully but sternly instructed not to throw my soccer balls off the top of the parking deck. The PAX were promised pain worse that those who were eaten by the Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi. Riggs came close. #notsurprised. We did a lot of different ab exercises, too many to recount.

COT (Nickelback did a great job here)

Welcome FNG Squash!

F3 Shirts are on sale through Friday at Mudgear. Don’t miss out.