Community q and 2.0-30 minute dash

June 16, 2022

WHEN: 06/16/2022
QIC: Vice, Atta-Boy and Wild Thing
PAX: Green Acres, Spooky, Nacho Libre, Rebar, Half-pipe, Spam, Nitro, Gunny, Catskill

Today is the return of the community Q and the launch of the summer 2.0 workout. Here is how the day played out.

Warmarama– SSH, Arm Circles, WMH, Michael Phelps, hanging stretch

Community Q- 

Vice- Upright rows/Australian Merkins at Bike racks- 15 SC

Green Acres- 10- 3 count slow step ups and slow step downs up each leg

Nacho Libre- Erkins or Derkins- 10

Spam- 15 IC dips

Atta-Boy- One leg up- dip tricep hold for 10 seconds each leg up

Spooky- Traveling scorpion with Carolina dry dock at each line in the first half of parking lot

Gunny- Lunge walk to back of parking lot

Rebar- Brick work- 31 flavors of Baskin Robins Bicep curls for the girls, 21 shoulder raises, 21 overhead presses with 3 brickies in between each set

Half-Pipe- Weighted squats- one set of 12 and another of 13

Catskill- Typewriter merkins at a parking spot, total of 15 of those

Nitro- 15 Bobby Hurleys with a half twist

Vice- Upright rows/Australian Merkins at Bike racks- 15 SC

Green Acres- 10- Ballerina squats

Nacho Libre- Colt 45 squats- 1/2, low, full squats

Spam- Wall sit

Atta-Boy- 10 Australian Mountain Climbers

Spooky- Sprint back to AO with 5 burpees at each spot ending with a zero

Gunny- 15 regular squats

Rebar- 21- IC-Flutter kicks

Half-Pipe- WWIIs- 15

Catskill- Ring of Fire- 10 count hold for each pax

Nitro- Outlaw Mary- Nitro would call out a direction and vary his cadence and a hold ever so often

COT: Sign up for Habitat for Humanity and show up tonight for beers under the stars and or this weekend’s going away party for Harbaugh

We had a great 30-45 time of f2 and coffee although, the complaint was that the coffee was on the light roast side today. Then it was time for the 2.0 dash and I was so excited to have Atta-Boy and his son Wild-thing lead us. Here is what we did for that.

4 PAX and 4 2.0s gathered together for a 30 minute- get your kids out of the house and spend some energy and time together. This made up a total of 8 for those who forgot all their Math since school let out. Here was the pax. AttaBoy and Wild thing, Vice and Double Pike, Caddyshack and Side Out, Newt and Easy Bake

Atta-Boy led Warmarama– SSH, Arm Circles, WMH, Michael Phelps, Bushwackers, Good mornings

The thang led by Wild Thing- We traveled up the parking lot by flip-flopping between Bear Crawls and Crab Walks up to the brick pile where each PAX grabbed two bricks

Wild thing instructed the pax to do a catchers walk where each was in a low catchers stance and bricks were overhead and had to do a really low squat walk holding bricks up for 2-3 parking spots and back. Then it was time for more brick work. We did 10 lateral raises out to the side, 10 to the front and 10 overheads. Then we went on our backs and did 5 WWIIs with the bricks and 1 chest press and we did this till we got to 10 total rounds of those. Next we put the bricks back and circled up for the pickoff squats. These were low squats and the PAX had to rotate, right and left as if they were a pitcher rotating to pickoff the runner on first or third. Just like wild thing likes to do. These were incredibly tough.

Next we moseyed back to the field house for some Tabata. The timer was set for 45 minutes of work and 15 seconds of rest. Here were the exercises. Dips, Jump-ups or Step-ups, Wall Sits, Australian Merkins, Regular Squats.

Mosey up to AO and flag for Mary- We did 15 Ukranian Hammers, 15 flutter kicks, 15 WWIIs and for fun we finished off with a parent and 2.0 relay race. The kids took off to the wall and had to do 3 burpees and return before the parents took off, it was a 2 lap race and I forgot who won but I know I didn’t come in last thanks to my speedee 2.0 double pike.

Moleskin: I asked Penelope and evidently @Caddyshack is pretty fast and I am really slow but whatever. Thanks to the 8 that came out and next week Newt and Easy Bake have the 2.0 dash at 7:30. Remember we finish with smoothies at Lowes afterwards so invite someone and come on out. SYITG.