Comfortably Numb: Pink and Floyd take on the Wall

September 7, 2018

WHEN: 09/07/2018
QIC: Pink and Floyd
PAX: Flenderson, Mothman, Duplo, Slayer, Dueling Banjos, Chigger, RG3, Kosher, Petri, Gomer, AS IS, Nanu, HAL, Fat Cat, Yanni, Zika, FNG Dry Rub, Green Acres, Goat Cheese (RESPECT), Bright-Idea, ICE, Fieri, Stickman, Eddie The Eagle (RESPECT), Stinky Pete, John Boy, Placebo, Doobie, Hickory, Marky Mark, Chum, Stubbs, Fannie Mae, El Jefe, Horny Toad, Pink, and Floyd.

For the past year or more, people have been telling Pink and myself that we should “totally team up and Q The Wall.” More than just a quirky play on names, this turned out to be quite the event. AO site Qs RG3 and Mothman really went all out. They put up fliers and even made us a hype video (found here: All in all, 35 glorious PAX rolled in for this beatdown. We had some chill Pink Floyd tunes on in the background and even one FNG.


SSH x 20
Good Mornings x 15
Imperial Walkers x 10
Bat Wings (the following in cadence count):
-20 arm circles
-20 reverse arm circles
-20 seal claps
-20 overhead claps

The Thang
The PAX moseyed to the tennis courts for some low-to-the-ground fun. The PAX split into three groups (due to the size) and each went to a different court to make it 4 times around:

-1st trip around: Bobby Hurley Floor Slappers. We all decided we hate Bobby Hurley so they were renamed Ed Cotas (but I don’t recall him being a big floor slapper)
-2nd trip: Bear crawls
-3rd trip: Crawl bears
-4th trip: Traveling burpees

After a short trip to the picnic area, everyone teamed up. While one man did dips, the other did monkey humpers:
Set 1: 30 of each single count
Set 2: 30 each
Set 3: 35 of each for good measure. It was no picnic.

Everyone then completed 10 donkey kicks before Pink turned the reigns over to Floyd. The show went on!

The Thang:
Partnered Wall Beast

Mosey to the Great Wall. PAX were split into 2 groups and then asked to partner up, size doesn’t matter.

During this set of exercises, one partner will be doing a set of the exercies while the other “rests” on the wall. The Beast is a series of 6 stations, doing 6 reps at each station, 6 total sets. Mode of travel between cones changes each set. After each set, the partners switch positions.

Set 1: PAX 1 rests with “balls to the wall.” PAX 2 does Run and Merkins x 36.
Set 2: PAX 1 does “people’s chair.” PAX 2 does Bear Crawl and Carolina Dry Docks x 36
Set 3: PAX 1 rests with Balls to wall. PAX 2 Runs and does Air squats x 36
Set 4: PAX 1 does people’s chair. PAX 2 does crab walk and WWII situps x 36
Set 5: PAX 1 does balls to wall. PAX 2 does Lunge Walk and Box Jumps x 36
Set 6: PAX 1 does people’s chair. PAX 2 does Run and Merkins x 36

Mosey back to the start and get on your six. Without letting your feet hit the ground do the following:
Flutter Kicks x 20
LBCs x 20
Heels to the Heaven x 20



Thanks everyone for being so welcoming. Pink and I were humbled by your enthusiasm. Can’t wait to come back.

This Saturday, September 8th the F3 Churham Picnic at the BC Clubhouse runs from 4PM to 8PM.

This Sunday, September 9th Fannie Mae is sponsoring a Corn Hole tournament at the Mod in Pittsboro starting at 12Noon

This Tuesday, September 11th is the 911 Memorial Stair Climb at Kenan Stadium. Meet at 0545 at #keenan AO. There will be an opening ceremony and then stair climb.

Saturday, September 29th French Lick and family are putting on the annual Super Cooper Memorial Fund Raiser in Southern Village, includes a 5K