Catch me if you can…

September 6, 2018

WHEN: 09/06/2018
PAX: Elf, Uzi, Beano, Graceland, Tailspin, Knoxville, Deepdish, Stop Drop and Roll, Papa, B&B, Varsity, TB

3 PAX including YHC rucked some coupons up and down Rashkis hill for EC prior to the main event.


SSH (30), Imperial Walkers (10), Willie Mays Hayes (10), Hamstring stretch (legs slightly more than shoulder width apart, reach down leg towards foot, 10 count on right leg then left leg), Good Mornings (10).

The Main Event:

A bit of catch me if you can…

The PAX partnered off and lined up at one end of the parking lot. One partner starts bear crawling, the other partner does 8 burpees then runs to catch the bear-crawler. Runner starts bear-crawling, and the other partner does 8 burpees, and repeato for one full lap around the parking lot.

Second round: one partner lunge walks, other partner does 10 merkins then catches the other and swaps. Another lap.

Third round: one partner bunny hops, other partner does 20 LBCs then catches the other and swaps. Another lap.

Mosey to the basketball courts. PAX separated into two groups. Each group lined up shoulder-to-shoulder in plank, starting at the edge of the court. First PAX in each line did a merkin, tapped the next PAX, then ran to plank at the end of the line. PAX traveled thusly to the other end of the court. When the first PAX reached the fence, the PAX reversed direction, but added a “hop” after the merkin (sort of the second half of a burpee). PAX traveled thusly back to the other end of the court.

PAX went to the low wall next to the court for some dips (20, then 15 in cadence), and plank climbers (2x 20), followed by a squat pyramid (10 to 15 to 10), followed by LBCs (100).

Mosey back to the parking lot the long way around Rashkis.

Mary: Flutter kicks (30), WWIIs (15)

Announcements: 9/11 Memorial Kenan Stadium Stair Climb Tuesday September 11th. EC at 0500 at Kenan AO, converge at Kenan stadium at 0545, stair climb begins at 0600.