Circuit City is Open For Business

May 21, 2020

WHEN: 05/21/2020
QIC: Floyd
PAX: Cosmo, Cardiac, Kia, Scapula

Circuit City, an old tech store may be closed for good, but Tobacco Road is back, baby! After 2 months of COVID hiatus, the SoDu boys were ready to get back in the gloom, while using responsible distancing.

5 PAX posted in the absolute pouring rain. That’s how excited we were to get back out there.

SSH x 25
WMH x 10
IW x 10
LBAC x 10
LBACr x 10

Each PAX was asked to bring a coupon of their choice. Because Herndon Park is still closed to cars (but open to PAX!), we had to park at the ATT gravel lot and travel in. Carrying our coupons, we made our way into the park.

The THANG: Circuit City
This workout goes back to my college soccer days when our sadistic coach destroyed us with a circuit workout. I wanted to give the PAX a little taste of that. It absolutely poured buckets on us while we were doing this…

Bicep curls x 25
Run across field and back
Merkins x 25
Run across field and back
Overhead presses x 25
Run across field and back
Squat jumps x 25
Run across field and back
Tricep curls x 25
Run across field and back
SSH x 30
Run across field and back

Each PAX would do 3 sets

Lunge walk to rock pile (to return rocks). Mosey to entrance for Mary

LBC IC x 50

Mosey back to cars for COT

Damn, it’s great to be back. Also great to see Scapula back from his surgery and kicking butt. Cosmo was looking pretty fit after finishing the recent Scavenger Hunt tied for 1st place. Kia, I keep forgetting he is >50 because he is still killing it. Cardiac needs to lose some weight (there is abackstory there).