YHC woke up to yet another amazing late June morning with low humidity and a nice breeze. Let’s hope we don’t pay for this later…. Anyway, YHC hadn’t Q’ed the big house in a while and decided to pick up a Dueling Banjos Q when he posted that he needed to swap. Time to start the day off right.
SSH x20
Arm Circles x10 IC F&R
Groiners x10 IC
Hairy Rockettes x10 IC
Daisy Pickers x10 IC
Mountain Man Poopers x10 IC
Mosey to the circle. Carry YHC’s balls – (Ricky Bobby passing balls to back of the line. Once a PAX receives a ball in the back he takes off running to the front and passes the balls back. Down the Great Ridge hill one way and back.
PAX line up on the wall in derkin position. Roll one ball all the way to the end and back.
Draw, Win or Lose – PAX count off in to two teams. Each team is against each other. One PAX from each team comes forward and YHC draws a card. Each PAX does 5 burpees and then races opposite ways around the circle. First one completely around wins. Winning team gets to choose next exercise on the next card. Other team does the remaining exercise.
Round 1 – 10 Burpees/10 Burpees
Round 2 – 10 Burpees/30 Merkins
Round 3 – 10 Burpees/40 Squats
Round 4 – 10 Burpees/15 WWIIs
Round 5 – 10 Burpees/25 Iron Mikes
Round 6 – 15 Ranger Merkins/15 Diamond Merkins
Round 7 – 30 Dry Docks/15 WWIIs
Round 8 – 20 Diamond Merkins / 25 Monkey Humpers (IC)
Round 9 – 40 Dips / 10 Burpees
Round 10 – 20 Plank Jacks (IC) / 15 Groiners (IC)
Tunnel of Love
Heels to Heaven x20 IC
American Hammers x20 IC
Bows & Toes x 1 min
Corpse Pose
Summer is the time of year when the 2.0s are out of school. For those that have young 2.0s it can be a challenge to find activities to keep them occupied. As frustrating as it can be sometimes, take the opportunity to do something fun and different so you can spend some time with them. They grow up too fast and before you know it will be out of the house. Until next time. Aye!