Cage Match

September 19, 2014

WHEN: 09/19/2014
QIC: Dunphy
PAX: Adolphus,DOI,Wuerrfel,Windex,EZPass,Brick,Spooky,Lo Pair,Gopher,Earthmover (Greenville),Silent Bob (Charlotte),Marky Mark,Dozer,Beaker,Double Knot,TI,Dunphy

17 PAX posted this morning at Bastille including Earthmover from Greenville, and Silent Bob from Charlotte. Great having you fellas.

Warm Up: SSH x40, Arm Circles x20, Willie Mays Hays x10, IW x 15, SSH x40 just to keep it interesting

Mosey to hoop courts for a cage match.

First, borrowed the Death Star from F3Raleigh (Electrolux I think via Burt), 4 stations: dbl merkin burpees x10, squats x30, wide-grip merkins x15, WWII situps x15. Bear crawl to and from each station. In the middle each time: 10 step ups each leg and 10 dips.

Second, merkin pyramid x1, x2, etc. to 10 and back to 1. It wouldn’t be a complete week at F3 Chapel Thrill without one of these.

Back to Death Star, same stations, 5 step ups each leg to save time, still 10 dips. Almost finished in time.

Mary: Freddie Mercurys, LBCs, long slow flutter, Heels to Heavens, double time medley (LBCs, mileys, dollies, flutters), slow count leg lifts.


Moleskin: Great running into Silent Bob from Charlotte, classmate of mine from KFBS and neither of us knew the other was an F3er – great seeing you. T-claps to Knoxville and M who just had their baby last week and Hux and M who may have theirs today (maybe already!).