Burpee Ridge

July 20, 2017

WHEN: 07/03/2017
QIC: Coco
PAX: Doogie, Soybean, Bushwood, Amphibious, The Exchange, Coco

On the eve of our great country’s 241st birthday, it could not be ignored that 241 reps of something were in store for the brave 6 souls at Devil’s Ridge.

After 4 strong (err…senseless?) PAX  repped out 125 pullups, 125 KB swings and 125 sandbag rows each, they made their way over to the AO launch point and were joined by 2 more (much more sensible) PAX for the ME.

Warm up
7 merkins (IC); 4 BWS (IC), 76 SSH (SC) – representing the date of our great country’s founding: 7/4/76
(Repeato; x2)

The Thang
It’s been said that complexity kills – and since YHC can’t remember anything too complex anyway, I’ve developed a fond appreciation for the simple stuff in life.  For the day’s ME, it was this;

We took a calm stroll around Duke’s campus.  YHC’s Garmin was set to vibrate every minute.
At each vibration (every minute for 40 minutes) – we stopped our mosey through campus and banged out 6 burpees.
6 burpees x 40 minutes = 240 burpees (plus a corresponding 2.3 mile jog along the way).
(Our last set included 7 burpees; therefore bringing our grand total to 241 burpees on the day).

Great respect and appreciation for the forefathers who had hardships & challenges MUCH harder that 241 burpees to establish our independence and freedoms that we are fortunate to enjoy each and every day.